Ch:27- Embarrassment

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Song: Rabba

As the sun cast a warm glow through the curtains, bathing the room in a golden hue, Ryan and Hardik found themselves engrossed in a lively video call with Dev and Tanya. Meanwhile, in the heart of the home, Akshat's culinary curiosity led him to experiment with a new dish, the tantalizing aromas wafting through the air like a siren's call. Rudransh, seated at the dining table with determination etched on his face, delved into his work on the laptop, his fingers dancing across the keys in a rhythmic symphony.

It's been a week and With each passing day, the bond between the two groups grew stronger, woven together by the threads of laughter, banter, and shared moments of leisure. And amidst this tapestry of camaraderie, Aarvi and Rudransh found themselves drawn closer, their connection deepening with each passing moment. Late-night conversations and stolen moments together had forged a bond that transcended the ordinary.

Yet, as the weekend unfolded, their schedules grew busier, leaving little time for their cherished moments together. Rudransh had been busy in the game development for the tech fest and also in an important project of his company. Aarvi had dedicated herself entirely in the skit play for the fest, making sure to do everything with utmost perfection.

Despite the longing that gnawed at their hearts, they found solace in the anticipation of their next meeting, counting down the moments until they could be reunited once more.

"Today is Sunday, let's spice things up a bit," Ryan suggested, igniting a spark of excitement among the group.

"I'm game! Sitting idle is making me restless," Tanya chimed in, her enthusiasm matching Ryan's.

But Hardik's obligations threatened to dampen their plans. "I have some work to finish, guys. I won't be able to make it," he regretfully admitted, dousing their excitement like a bucket of cold water.

Dev, ever the voice of reason, interjected, "Tu ek din mein koi pahad nhi ukhad lega."

Rudransh, his voice resounding with conviction from across the room, added, "Those who value time don't waste it needlessly."

Rolling his eyes, Ryan playfully silenced Rudransh's sermon. "No one asked for your sage advice. Keep quiet, will you?"

" Waise bhi poore din thodi busy rahenge . Raat ko kaam khatam kar lena ." Ryan told to Hardik who nodded agreeing.

Ryan proposed a plan, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Why don't you guys come over? Everyone else is out at some event, leaving just the four of us and our grandparents, who are currently engrossed in a satsang. It'll be fun!"

"That's a great idea! Let me check with Sania and Aarvi," Tanya suggested, momentarily muting the call as she went to sought their approval.

As Akshat joined the conversation, Ryan eagerly shared his plan with him, excitement bubbling in his voice. "This sounds like a blast! Dev, bring your squad along!"

"I'm in! But I'll have to ask others and Tanya's already on it," Dev confirmed, his enthusiasm contagious.

Just then, Tanya returned to the call, her camera activated, a triumphant smile adorning her face. "Sania's on board."

"What about Aarvi?" the group inquired eagerly, Rudransh's heart pounding in anticipation.

"If it were up to her, she'd spend the whole day holed up in her room with her books," Tanya sighed, rolling her eyes at her friend's introverted tendencies. "But don't worry, I'll bring her along."

"Great! Hurry up, guys," Ryan urged, ending the call with a sense of anticipation hanging in the air.

Rudransh's heart danced with joy at the prospect of seeing Aarvi after what felt like an eternity.

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