Ch:5- Conversations

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Aarvi's Pov-

I was at the library, taking advantage of two consecutive free periods to catch up on work. While I was focused on my laptop, Rahul and Sania were in the canteen, Dev was at football practice, and Tanya was attending her classes.

After realizing I'd been sitting for too long, I stood up to stretch and admire the serene garden view from the window.  Our college library sure has a great view. It was peaceful to look around at the lush green plants and soft and colourful flowers slightly dancing to the tune of the soft breeze.

I was busy looking out when I heard Ms. Marine, our librarian, calling my name. I made my way towards her and asked politely, "You called me , mam? " She turned towards me and nodded while smiling softly. But then her expression changed as if she remembered something urgent.

She held my hand and said urgently, "dear, can you please help this young man here in finding the book he wants? I don't exactly remember where it's kept and moreover I need to go to the principal for a meeting. Will you please help? "

I smiled at her and said, "Sure mam. "

She patted my cheek smiling and turned to the guy
"Tell her which book you want and she'll help you find it. " With that she left.

I turned towards the guy and my heart beat increased as soon as our eyes locked. He was the same guy with the mask looking great in his black tshirt and jeans and his hair was again in a man bun but some of the locks were falling on his forehead.

I closed my eyes composing myself and asked him, "Which book are you looking for? "

"Wuthering heights. The paperback " He replied.

I was shocked to know that this guy reads classic romance. But still I nodded and started to move towards the romance section.

I turned to him and asked, "can you get that box from that upper rack? ", pointing towards a cartoon box kept on the top rack.

Don't think I'm short because I've a pretty decent height  but the rack was much higher. He came near me and pulled that box down and kept it on the floor. I sat down and after shuffling a bit , I finally got the book. I handed it to him and then stood up with the box.

"Here hold this and give me that. " He said giving me the book and taking the box from my hands. He again kept the box at it's place and dusted off his hands. I handed him the book. He took it and said, "Thanks".

" Your welcome "I said smiling and turned around to go.

" Thank you again. " He said. I turned towards him confused.

"What's the second thank you for? " I voiced my confusion.

" Umm... For the other day when you helped me find another book"

Oh so he remembers!

I smiled again and said, "Your welcome again."

I came back to my place and resumed my work.

Some shuffling sounds broke my concentration and I looked around for the source of the sound. I saw the guy with the mask leaning on one of the walls uncomfortably and reading the book. I looked around the library and realised that it was full. I looked back at him and saw him stretching his back while reading.

I went towards him and asked him, " Hey. How long will you keep standing? Sit down somewhere and read. "

He looked up at me and replied, "the library is full and there's no empty seat. "

I pondered for a minute and said, " I'm sitting alone at a desk. You can sit there. "
"Uh ... No it's alright" He hesitated.

"Why? " I frowned at his reply. Am I making him uncomfortable?

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