Ch-4 :Drama Queen

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Aarvi's Pov-

"Vi, yaar please. Please just for a few minutes. " Right now we are in  a theme park and Tanya is repeatedly requesting me to ride the giant wheel with them which I sternly denied to join.

"Tanu no means no. Please don't force me. You guys go ahead and ride it. I'll be waiting here for you guys. " I said sternly.

She sighed and said softly, " Vi, at least try it once. You need to overcome your fears someday. "

"I know and I will try someday but that day is not today. " I said and turned so that my back was facing her and continued weakly, " I- I'm still not ready Tanu. I- I'm not s-strong enough to face my fears . Not now. "I could feel tears gathering in my eyes.

Tanu came in front of me and hugged me tightly and said, " It's ok Vi. Just don't go back to the memory lane. I love you and if you don't want to go on the ride then don't. Ok. " She said cupping my face. I nodded .

"Guys are we going on the ride or not? The line is already becoming long " Rahul whined like a child coming towards us. We chuckled at his antics. Sania and Dev followed him.

"Yeah. you guys are going. Rahul go and buy 4 tickets. " I said smiling.

"But we are 5 people. So why 4 tickets? " Rahul asked.

"Because Vi is not coming with us. I'm hungry so I've given Vi the task to stroll around and find the stall with most delicious food items." Tanya said to the guys.

She gave me a wink and I smiled at her. Soon they left to enjoy their rides and I decided to sit somewhere less crowded. Yesterday after going to Dev's house ,all of us slept like we were dead. We woke up later in the evening so we just went for dinner and a late night movie. Today's Sunday so Rahul and Tanya wanted to come to the theme park to compensate for the time we spent sleeping yesterday.

I found a bench at one of the corners of the park and sat there. I was just looking around sitting peacefully. But somewhere I knew that upon seeing the giant wheel many unwanted memories have reared their heads in my mind. I was trying to avoid them by focusing on my surroundings but it wasn't working quite well. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths to ease my laboured breathing. Suddenly I heard someone's soft voice, " Hey! "

I opened my eyes and saw a small girl standing in front of me. She was wearing a cute baby pink frock and her hair was tied in pigtails.

She furrowed her eyebrows and asked me, "You ok? ".

I smiled and replied, " Yeah dear, I'm okay. "

She tilted her head looking at me and said, " But you don't seem okay. "

I was amused by her words. I smiled again at her and said, " It's because I'm tired dear. Nothing else. "

She heaved a long sigh and tried to sit on the bench but couldn't. I picked her up and made her sit comfortably on the bench.

She said, " Well I'm also so tired."

She said sighing dramatically. I chuckled at her drama . One of her pigtails had become loose and her hair was falling on her eyes. She was pushing her hair out of her eyes repeatedly.

She got a little irritated and said while huffing, "oh ho, Rudi can't even tie my hair properly. Huh. "

I laughed at her dramatic act. She was looking at me when I asked her pointing towards her loose pigtails, " Will you let me help you with that ? "

She made a thinking face tapping her chin then replied smilingly, "Ok."

I pulled her on my lap and started making her pigtails.

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