Ch-8: Introductions

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Aarvi pov:~

"Vi, just sleep, please," Tanya groaned, frustration evident in her voice.

She stood before me, hands on hips, as I glanced up from my books and laptop, about to protest.

"Tanu just 5 min-"

I started but she cut me off saying," Don't say anything. I won't listen to you today. You've hardly slept for 3 hrs in the last 2 days. This can't continue. Go to bed and sleep. Now. GET UP. "

I sighed, realizing she was right. Missing college yesterday had left me with a backlog of topics to cover. These past two days had been hectic, and rest had been a luxury.

"You won't let me study, will you?" I asked, knowing her resolve.

She shook her head firmly. "Nope. Not even a minute more. Go to bed now. You can catch up on your studying tomorrow during your free period."

Resigned, I got up and headed to my room, bidding her goodnight. After a quick shower and my nighttime routine, I settled into bed, feeling the weight of exhaustion.

As I switched off the night lamp, a sigh escaped my lips. The comfort of my bed revealed just how fatigued I truly was. Soon, sleep enveloped me, offering the respite I desperately needed.


Authors Pov :~

A new day dawned, and once again, Rudransh arrived early at college. He headed straight to the library, eager to meet the person he had been waiting for.

As time passed, there was still no sign of her. Disappointed, he glanced at the clock, realizing classes were about to begin in just a few minutes. With a heavy heart, he started to leave the library.

Lost in thought, he was walking through the hall when he heard someone calling his name. Turning around, he saw Akshat and Ryan approaching.

"Hey, bro!" Akshat clapped him on the back. "Early again today? What's going on? Do you have a girlfriend or something? You didn't tell us! What a cheater!" Ryan teased.

Rudransh rolled his eyes and playfully smacked Ryan's head. "Just shut up and tell me why you guys aren't in your classes?"

"Haven't you checked the updated timetable?" Ryan asked, rubbing his head.

Rudransh shrugged. "Nope. Why?"

"Well, Mr. Sharma had an emergency, so our first two periods are free today," Akshat explained.

"Where's Hardik?" Rudransh asked, noticing his brother's absence.

"He's gone to arrange something for our entertainment," Ryan replied with a mischievous grin.

Akshat shook his head and elaborated, "Today is the semifinals for selecting members of our college's dance team from the first and second years. Since we have a free period, we thought we'd go watch."

"But we're third-year students. We won't be allowed inside," Rudransh pointed out.

Ryan smirked. "Riya and Swati are in charge of the entry."

Rudransh nodded in understanding. Riya and Swati, both second-year students, had a crush on Hardik, though he always ignored them. It seemed their infatuation might finally be beneficial.

Their phones beeped with a message from Hardik, indicating his approval. The three of them exchanged glances and headed towards the auditorium, where Hardik awaited them at the entrance. Sneaking in through the back gate, they settled in the last row, with a clear view of the entire auditorium.

As the performances began, Rudransh felt a presence behind him. Turning his head, he was surprised by who he saw entering quietly through the back gate.

Rudransh Pov:~

I was engrossed in the performance when I heard the faint creak of the back gate. Initially dismissing it as routine, I casually glanced over and was met with an instant smile on my lips. It was her—the person I'd been longing to see since yesterday, sitting just two seats away from me. Dressed in a simple white shirt and jeans, with her hair tied in a messy bun, she looked effortlessly beautiful.

My trance was broken by the applause signaling the end of the performance. "That was quite a show, wasn't it? I had no idea Rajeev could dance like that," Ryan remarked, breaking the silence.

Rajeev, a second-year student and a member of the basketball team, had always appeared reserved. None of us knew about his hidden talent until now.

"Everyone has a talent, Ryan," I mused, my thoughts drifting to the past. "Some choose to showcase it confidently, while others keep it hidden due to insecurities or painful memories."

I fisted my fists tightly as some past memories made their way .

Ryan kept his hand on my closed fists and I exhaled heavily looking at Hardik who was engrossed in the next performance.

Suddenly, I heard her voice calling out, and when I turned to respond, I was surprised to find her looking at me.

As our eyes met, a sense of calm washed over me, and I returned her smile. "Hey," I greeted softly.

Leaning closer, she asked, "Are you here to support a friend?"

" No " I replied.

She looked confused so I explained, " Actually we had a free period now and we got to know about the semifinals for the dance group so we decided to attend it. "

" Oh" She nodded but after a few seconds she frowned and asked, " But because of the semifinals, all the classes in the first half for students up to third year are cancelled. So which free period are you talking about? "

" Yeah. But I'm a fourth year student and we had our normal classes."

" You're a fourth year student! " She exclaimed wide eyed and then continued, " Then how come you got in here? I mean aren't only 1st , 2 nd and 3rd year students allowed here? "

" Yeah well ...that's the rule atleast. " I shrugged.

She Smirked at my reply and playfully narrowed her eyes at me . " So how did you get in here?"

I scratched my neck in embarrassment and said, " Well.... We used some other way to enter. "

" As far as I know there are volunteers at both the main gate as well as the back gate of the auditorium. Did you bribe any of them to give you entry? "

"No no.... We don't do any such illegal activities as bribing. " I exclaimed to which she raised her eyebrows.

I sighed and said, " We got here by using the charm card. " She chuckled lightly and said, " So Mr masked guy who happens to be a third year student used his so called charms to attend the semifinals of his juniors. " I raised my eyebrows in amusement at the name she gave me.

"Mr masked guy? " I asked to which she shrugged and said, " You never told me your name. Moreover you're always in your mask so the name suits you. "

I chuckled at her answer. She turned fully towards me and said excitedly, " Thinking about it, we didn't have a proper introduction! How about we introduce ourselves? Hi, I'm Aarvi, Aarvi Rathore. Third year student of medical science. "

She extended her hand after introducing herself.

I smilingly held her hand gently shaking it and said, " I'm Rudransh. Fourth year student of Business administration. "

She smiled broadly and I leaned towards her as if sharing a secret " And for your information I wasn't the one who used the charm card. The idea to come here and get  entry using the charm card was the deeds of my dumb friends. I'm just an innocent guy who happens to follow them. " I said the last line with a wink and she laughed.

As we continued chatting, I disclosed that I wore a mask due to a recent bout of viral fever. She nodded understandingly, and we found ourselves still holding hands, lost in each other's laughter and the shared moment of connection.

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