Ch -3 : Auditions

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Aarvi's Pov-

I'm gonna die today.

Well not literally. Today's Tanya's auditions.

Yeah it's been one week since the library incident. In this entire one week I haven't even had a glimpse of that guy again. But still every night his face comes in my dreams. I just decided to forget the incident and focus on my life.

Coming back to my day , I was supposed to be with Tanya 1 hour prior and I had planned my morning schedule according to it but my life had to fuck up at the last minute. I went to the temple to pray for her selection but even though it was early in the morning, the temple was unusually crowded today so I got there late .

As soon as the prayer was done I rushed to my pg to get ready for college. Rahul, Sania and Dev had already left for college with Tanya because she wanted to do some last minute rehearsal. So I booked the cab but it got cancelled at the last minute and I had to take an auto but again my life just can't let me be at peace for once because I'm stuck in the traffic since the last 10 mins.

I was anxiously waiting for the traffic to clear just then my phone rang and guess what... Yeah it's Tanya. Just as I answered the phone she screamed due to which i pulled my phone away from my ears.

"Vi!!!! WHERE ARE YOU? You were supposed to be here an hour early . You know how important this audition is for me and you're not here till now. Everyone already arrived and the selection panel have also started to come but here my bestie who was supposed to be here first has not even arrived. The auditions may start anytime soon now."

"Tanu please calm down ok! I'm on my way already and don't worry I'll be there in a few minutes. I promise I'll reach there before the auditions starts. " I replied

"Okay, come fast " She said and cut the call.

I sighed. I need to hurry. I paid the auto driver and got down . I skimmed my way through the traffic and started jogging to reach the college. After 10 mins I reached the college and immediately moved towards the backstage where the participants should be present. I reached the back gate of the backstage and saw Rahul and Sania already waiting for me there.

I reached them and Sania said "Thank god Aarvi , finally you came. "

"Where is she? " I asked immediately.

"She's inside. Come. " I entered and saw Dev sitting on his knees in front of Tanya holding her hands and trying to reassure her.

As soon as he saw me he said, "Finally" And stood up.

Upon seeing me, Tanya rushed towards me and hugged me really tight. I know that she is very nervous. She has been like this. No matter how hard she practices but on the day of performance her nervousness would creep her out. I gently rubbed her back to calm her down. After sometime when I could feel her calming down I broke the hug and made her sit on the chair. I opened my bag and took out the prasaad .

"Here." I distributed the prasaad to all four of them and then sat near Tanya talking her hands in mine.

She looked at me and said, "Why are you so late haan? You were supposed to be here first. "

"I'm sorry Tanu. Actually I went to the temple to pray for your selection but got there late due to the crowd, then my cab got cancelled at the last moment and then I got stuck in the traffic. I had to practically run to get here on time.I never wished to be late but my life loves to play little games with me. " I huffed.

Tanya started laughing and the other three also joined her. Tanya said while laughing, " I still don't get why these things happen with you only. "

"Well .....even I don't know" I shrugged .

Just then a girl came to Tanya and said, "Tanya, the 3rd next performance is yours so be ready. "

"Uh ok " Tanya said.

"Come on now , enough of laughing on my life problems. Now it's time to rock the stage. Go and show the other participants who they have to compete with. I know your performance will be the best. Now go and make me proud. " I said

She grinned and said " Aye Aye captain "and mock saluted me.

Rahul, Sania and Dev also wished her luck and she went to join the line of performers..

I sighed and sat on the chair tiredly. I was really tired. I barely slept last night because I was busy completing my transcribing work for yesterday as well as today and again I had to wake up early as I had to go to the temple. The rest of them also slept late because Tanya being herself made them watch her dance numerous times so that she can be perfect.

Dev held my hand and said "Aarvi go wash your hands and face and come. I know you haven't had your breakfast and on top of it all this running and all. I'll bring something for you to eat . No excuses accepted. " He said sternly as I opened my mouth to give an excuse.

I pouted and moved towards the nearest washroom which was in the first block of the college.

Just as I was about to enter the block , a guy bumped into me due to which I lost my balance. But luckily he caught me by my waist before I could hit the ground. This touch sent sensations to my entire body.

As I looked up ,my black eyes met with those brown ones which had been on my mind since that day in the library.

His face was still covered with a mask and his hair ,which was open today unlike the other day , was coming on his forehead and sometimes even covering his eyes. His height was more than 6 feet because I was 5'9 but still he towered over me . Broad chest, muscular body and a fitted white shirt that showed his muscles. He truly felt like one of the models. But his eyes were the ones which were the most captivating.

I came out of my bubble and cleared my throat , "ummm... " I started to say but he cut me off and said "I'm sorry" Immediately.

We both straightened and moved away .

Once again my heart was beating fast.

I replied, "It's okay "and moved inside the block quickly.

I went inside the washroom and saw my face all red. I quickly splashed some water on my face and took deep breaths to calm down.

Then I made my way towards the backstage and saw Dev already waiting with some sandwich and juice. I ate it and then Tanya's performance started and of course she got selected. She came backstage squealing and we had a tight group hug. We congratulated her.

"Let's celebrate today. What say guys? " Rahul said excitedly.

"Yeah... Today it'll be my treat" Tanya replied grinning.

I was so tired that i just wanted to crawl up my bed and sleep but the excitement of the guys stopped me from saying anything. I just leaned my head on Dev's shoulder and sighed.

"Ok but first let's go home. None of us had a proper sleep last night. Moreover Tanya, you must be tired from all the practice and performance. And Aarvi also must be hella tired as she slept last yesterday and got up even before us. Not to forget the tiresome day she faced. So let's get back to my place. We'll rest for some time and then in the evening we can celebrate. " Dev explained .

I gave him a small smile of gratefulness and in turn he just squeezed my hand.

"Yeah , he's right. We should do that. " Tanya said and everyone nodded.

Soon we got into Dev's car and moved towards his home.

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