[9] Gaming Night

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Cody was at his locker, with Noah next to him.

Cody glanced and saw Trent at his own locker.

"I want to help Trent." Cody said.

"What can you possibly do?" Noah wondered.

"Well, I think he'll trust me, right? We'll just talk."

"Good luck with that. Hey do you think you can work your charm and invite Justin to something?"

"What? What charm?" Cody asked.

"You know! The way you just flirt with everyone and get what you want." Noah explained.

"I don't think that will work..." Cody said awkwardly.

"What are you talking about? You did that to me." Noah reminded him.

Does Noah not realize what he's implying here? Cody decided to help him.

"I wonder why it only worked on you?" Cody played dumb.

Noah widened his eyes a bit before looking away in annoyance. "Forget it..."

Cody rolled his eyes playfully.

"I'll try though." Cody let him know.

After they finished with their lockers, they went to find Justin.

He was, unsurprisingly, talking to other students.

"Hey, Justin!" Cody went up to him with Noah behind.

"Cody, Noah! What's up?"

"Do you like games ?" Cody asked.

"Man, I love games! What do you play ?" Justin asked.

"Oh! Well, we usually play duty's calling and fourth night. And sometimes we go to the arcade!" Cody said.

"Sweet, I love those games! But my favourite's gotta be underwatch." Justin told him.

"Oh yeah? That's awesome! Sometimes we do play other things. Last time we tried this new game called between us, but it's not very fun with just 3 people." Cody told him.

"Count me in! I'd love to join you guys!" Justin said.

"Let's go!!" Cody cheered.

"So when do you guys usually play?" Justin wondered.

"Every Tuesday! And whenever else we're free." Cody told him. "Noah recently joined, so it's just us and Trent."

"Awesome, man. Luckily I'm free today." Justin said.

"That's perfect! Let's get Trent and head out!"

They walk around and find Trent standing outside.

He notices them walk over and looks a bit panicked.

"Um, hey guys..." Trent greets.

"Guess what, guess what??" Cody asked excitedly.

"Um..." Trent started.

"Justin's joining us for gaming nights on Tuesdays!!"

"Oh!" Trent was surprised to hear that.

"Isn't it great?" Justin asked knowingly.

"Well, it's... I mean- the more the merrier, right?" Trent asked nervously.

Justin just smiled at him.

Which made Trent more nervous.

Cody and Noah laughed a bit.


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