Chapter 1. The imprisonment

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In a mansion, a young girl named Isabelle found herself locked in a dimly lit room.

Isabelle wakes up holding her head and screaming in pain "Aaahhhh! Where am I? What I'm doing here" Then she remembered while she was coming home someone came from behind and hit her head and she fell unconscious.

Suddenly a familiar voice is heard, a figure emerged from the darkness "Welcome my dear, to my mansion. You are now under my enchantment, destined to serve me"

Isabelle was in a shock beacuse the man standing there was none other than her friend Calvin.

Calvin said - " You are now in my mansion and you have to do whatever I say or I will torture you to death."

She was still in a shock but somehow managed and said with a dangerous tone "Do whatever you want I'll escape from this place no matter what horrors you inflict upon me, my spirit will remain unbrokened"

Calvin leans close to her and whisper - "Such bravery. Let's see if you can endure my torture" Saying this he goes from there.

Isabelle was crying continuously.

After an hour he came back with a tray of food for her.

"You have not eaten for 2 days have it"

Isabelle: grabs the plate and throw it away, the clatter of dishes echoing in the room.

"I will not eat , you monster!"

Calvin: his eyes blazing with fury "How dare you defy me. Do you know the consequences"

"I told you do whatever you want, I will never bend to your will"

Calvin catches her throat and slammed her against the wall.

Isabelle gasps for breath, pain radiating through her body. "Do your worst, you coward I will not accept any of your offerings, no matter what"

Calvin tightening his grip - "You think yourself brave girl. Let me show you what I can do" he raises his hand and slaps the girl mercilessly. Then he goes from there.

Isabelle cries in pain - "I thought him as my friend but no I was wrong. He was my only trustworthy friend but in the end he too betrayed me. He is not my friend he is a monster." saying this she cries more but then she somehow manages herself and thinks how she can escape from this place.

" I have to think a way to escape from this place. I can't live like this forever with this monster torturing me"

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