Chapter 17. The real reason

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After the plan was discussed, Josh left them alone.

There was a great silence, then Isabelle spoke

"Do you remember the day we fought over a misunderstanding"

"Of course how can I forget it"


5 years ago

Isabelle came to the hidden warehouse, finding Alex.

Isabelle's eyes flashing with fury "How could you do this to me, Alex? To us?"

Alex clenching his fists, voice tight with frustration "You don't understand, Belle. I had no choice."

Isabelle's voice rising "No choice? You always have a choice! You chose to betray me, Alex!"

Isabelle shaking her head, tears welling up "I don't know what to believe anymore. I trusted you, Alex. I trusted you with everything."

Alex reaching out a hand "Belle, please..."

Isabelle stepping back, a look of betrayal etched on her face "No, Alex. I can't do this anymore. I can't trust you."

Saying this, she left from there.



In a dimly lit alley, Alex and Isabelle stand facing each other, their expressions hardened with anger and hurt.

Isabelle's voice trembling with emotion "I can't do this anymore, Alex. I can't keep pretending like everything's okay."

Alex clenching his jaw "You think I want to pretend? You're the one who's been avoiding the truth, Isabelle."

Isabelle eyes blazing "The truth? You don't even know what that means anymore, Alex. All you care about is yourself."

Alex's voice rising with frustration "And what about you, Isabelle? You're so quick to judge, but you don't even see your own flaws."

Isabelle's hands shaking with anger "At least I'm not a coward like you, Alex. At least I have the courage to face my mistakes."

Alex stepping closer, his voice filled with bitterness "You know what, Isabelle? Maybe we're better off without each other. Maybe it's time we went our separate ways."

Isabelle tears welling up in her eyes "Fine. I don't want to see you ever again, Alex. I'm done with you."

With those final words hanging in the air, Isabelle turns and walks away, her heart heavy with the weight of their shattered friendship. Alex watches her go, his own heart torn between anger and sorrow.

Alex to himself, voice barely a whisper "Goodbye, Belle. I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for."

Alone in the alley, Alex's words hang in the air, a silent farewell to the girl who once meant everything to him. And as the echoes of their final fight fade into the night, Alex and Isabelle both know that their paths have diverged for good.

Flashbacks over


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