Chapter 12. Five years ago

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Five years ago

Isabelle's Mother Caroline and Alex's mother Lavinia were best friends. They were in top position in the criminal underworld.

Orphaned at a young age, Caroline and Lavinia found solace and strength in each other's company. Together, they navigated the treacherous streets, learning the ways of survival in a world that showed them no mercy.

But as they grew older, they realized that survival was not enough-they craved power, control, and respect. And so, they embarked on a journey that would lead them to the very top of the criminal underworld.

Through cunning schemes and calculated risks, Caroline and Lavinia carved out their territory, building alliances and crushing anyone who dared to oppose them.

Edwin and Jonathan were charming and charismatic businessmen, whose dealings often brought them into their territory

In Edwin, Caroline found a kindred spirit—a man who understood the complexities of power and ambition. Their relationship was built on mutual respect and admiration.

Meanwhile, Lavinia found herself drawn to Jonathan's quiet strength and unwavering loyalty. In him, she found a partner , who will always support her and love her , no matter what.

Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. And as they faced threats from within and without, they knew that as long as they stood united, nothing could tear them apart. For in a world ruled by power and deception, love was the one thing they could truly rely on.

Caroline fell in love with Edwin and they had their first child Isabelle.

Lavinia and her love Jonathan had Alex.

Isabelle and Alex used to play with each other in childhood. They were best friends just like their mothers.

As they grew older their friendship became stronger.They also took interest in their mother's business and began to do work together. After their mother's they were the only one who could handle the criminal world.

They were CEOs in their respective fields but deep down they used to handle their mother's business.


In a dimly lit room Caroline and Lavinia were having coffee while talking about a problem.

"Lavinia, there are some rumours that our rivals are planning to make a move. I'm not sure who is it but we have to find"

"I think it's time to put our children into action"

Caroline raising an eyebrow "Our Children? I mean should we trust them"

Lavinia smirking "Obviously Caroline, they've been raised in this world. They know it ins and outs better than anyone"

"Let's give them this project and see if they are capable"

"Common Caroline it's not the first time they are assigned into a project. We already know what they are capable of"

"I know they've done more dangerous projects than this. But I don't know why mind is not supporting this decision"

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah call Alex, she is with him right now. So no need to call her again "

Lavinia immediately called Alex "Hey Alex come to our office. It's urgent"

"Mom is everything okay"

"You just come I'll tell you."

He cut the call and told Isabelle to come with him and reached the office as soon as possible. They saw that both of them were drinking coffee.

Caroline while drinking coffee "Hey Alex and Belle, we have a special task for you"

They both spoke together "What it is mother. We are ready to do everything"

"Our rivals are disturbing the peace of our territory. It's time to put an end."

Alex- "Consider it done mom. You can count on us"

"We'll make sure that our enemy will regret crossing the Matriarchal Syndicate"


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