Chapter 22. Turning point

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Calvin came home to find Isabelle and saw that she is quietly looking outside the window.

"Do you miss it? The outside world?"

Isabelle (not turning to face him) "Every day. But more than that, I miss my freedom. You can't cage a soul, Calvin."

Calvin (sighing) "I never wanted to hurt you, Isabelle. I just... I need you to understand."

Isabelle finally looking at him, eyes filled with a mix of anger and rage "Understand what? Your need to control? Your obsession? This isn’t love, Calvin. This is madness."

Calvin tormented "Maybe it is. But it's all I have."

Isabelle softly "Then you have nothing."

"Even if you don't want Isabelle, you have to live in this mansion forever, with me"

She started laughing "You can't keep me here forever Calvin, even if you want"

And then a loud noise of helicopters and cars can be heard.

Calvin asked his man "What's happening?"

Calvin’s Man bursting in, panicked "Sir, there are intruders! We need to get out of here!"

Calvin (furious) "Impossible! How did they find us?"

Isabelle (determined, seeing her chance) "I told you, Calvin. You can't keep me here forever."

Calvin (grabbing her arm, pulling her up) "We’re leaving. Now."

Isabelle (resisting) "No. I won't go with you."

Calvin (desperate, tightening his grip) "You don't have a choice!"

A voice from outside "Calvin Smith, you’re surrounded! Release Isabelle Fernández and surrender!"

Isabelle  (recognizing the voice, relieved) "Alex…"

Then Mr. Clint, his assistant came with a gun and put the gun on his forehead.

"Wait- what are you doing mr.clint"

"I didn't knew, you were so easy to get fooled"

"What  do you mean" he looked at him in disbelief

"Do you remember Jonathan Parker"

He nodded

"He was my bestfriend and Alex's father"

"No way"

Outside the mansion. The night is lit up by the headlights of hundreds of cars and the spotlights of helicopters hovering above. Men in suits with weapons surround the mansion, led by Alex.

Then Alex and his team entered the mansion.

Alex (calmly) "You underestimated us, Calvin. No one messes with the Matriarchal Syndicate family."

Calvin (desperation growing) "You won't take her from me!"

He thought for a sec, and started laughing "But Isabelle tell me, do you have any proof that I killed his father"

Mr. Clint smirking "Calvin, do you think we are stupid?"

Then Isabelle showed him the documents and pictures where it clearly shows that he was the one who killed him.

"Your plan worked Isabelle" Alex said looking at her

"What Plan? What do you mean?" Calvin asked in disbelief

Isabelle with determination in her eyes, spoke "You were an Idiot to think that you were the only one watching, Calvin. We've been tracking you for months, setting this trap"

"No- this can't be tr- ue"

"Well it is. Your accident, our meeting, our friendship, my kidnapping each and everything was a trap"

He stared her for a few min, when Alex shoot him in his knee and dragged him in the hall room.

The hall room was surrounded by Alex's men and Calvin was on his knee in the middle of the room.

"You betrayed me Isabelle"

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