Chapter 15. Old friend

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As Alex and Isabelle settle back into their hometown and reconnect with their mothers, they feel compelled to share a troubling revelation: Miles, their old adversary from their days in the Syndicate, has resurfaced.

Alex- "Mother me and Belle have something to say. Miles, he is back"

Caroline's eye darkenes at the mention of his name.

"Miles..... I should have known he wouldn't stay gone for long. What has he been upto?"

Isabelle spoke "We are not sure mom. But there are rumours that he is trying to invade our territory"

Lavinia's eyes narrow in concern as she listens to her.

"We can't let him get a foothold in our territory again. Alex and Isabelle, keep me informed of any developments"

They both nodded in agreement. They are determined to protect their territory from Miles.

"Alex I think we should forget our differences for now and just focus on Miles"

"Yeah yess we should"

Though they decided not to bring their past, still the awkwardness between them is not allowing them to work properly.

"Let's start with calling our dearest and most trustful friend, Josh ,he will definitely help us"

He nodded and called Josh. He didn't even take a sec to pick his phone after he saw the number.

"Hey Alex. Such a long time dude and how are you, how is Isabelle and how is your mother and her mother"

"Wait wait Josh relax. I can't answer your every question on the phone, just come to meet us soon. There is a problem that needs your attention"

"Sure dude. When should I come"

"Tonight. If you're comfortable"

"Okay just wait for me"

He hung up the call and looked at her

"What did he say"

"He said that he will come tonight"

"Okay then. I'm going"

"Do whatever you want. I don't care"

"Obviously why would you care"

"Don't start an argument Isabelle"

She said while shouting "You are the one who is arguing not me. For sure Alex after we defeat Miles I'll never ever see your face again, mind it"

"What do you think , I want to see your face. You are wrong"

"Stupid Bastard, how is he a human" she cursed in her mind

He left from there angrily


As the night came they both were waiting for Josh in the basement, while sitting on a table. The basement was a place where they always discuss their plans.

Josh came and hugged her "Hey Isabelle how have you been"

She hugged back "I'm perfectly fine, how are you. It's been such a long time, I missed you a lot"

"I'm fine darling and yeah I missed you too"

Alex was sitting on a chair while holding a cup of wine and threw it away. He didn't realise that he was feeling jealous

They broke their hug and Josh asked "What happened Alex are you alright"

"I'm sorry the cup just slipped from my hand"

"It's okay dude I know you are not in your right mind"

Alex- "If you both are done can we discuss the plan"

"Yeah sure dude"

"Okay so he has been trying to invade our territory and I must say that he is quite successful"

"We have to stop him at any cost. Do you have a plan" asked Isabelle

He totally ignored her and asked Josh
"Do you have a plan Josh"

"Not yet. But what happened to you both like before you used to be a very lovey dovey couple and now it seems like you don't even talk to each other"

"Wait did you both broke up"

"That means the rumour is true that you both are not together anymore"

Isabelle said "Yes we are not together but don't you dare reveal it especially to our mom's. I don't want them to be sad again"


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