Chapter 14. Back to Home

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Isabelle and Alex were finding Miles, they can't let him slip away this easily. Then his eyes landed on a letter below the table.

"Wait what's there....... A letter"

He took the letter, opened it and began to read

Isabelle - "What does it say"

He clears his throat before speaking

"My dear adversaries, our game of cat and mouse is far from over. You may think that you've won for now, but mark my words - I'll come......... I'll come back again after 5 years, when you least expect it and this time there will be no mercy"

Isabelle in a low tone "He escaped and even wrote a letter that he is gonna come back"

"We have to find him"

"I don't think we can right now"

After 5 years

"I think we should head back home. It's already late and I don't think we'll find Miles here" says Alex

"Okay then and tomorrow we should go back to our home"

"You mean-"

"Yes we have taken enough rest it's time to take action"

He nodded and they both left.


On the same night, a figure entered into a room through the window

The woman sitting inside the room said with a sarcastic smile "You came, tell me what news you have"

"Miss he is trying to gather information about Alex Parker"

"Why does he want that"

"I think he saw his lover with another man, maybe he is jealous"

"It's not jealousy, just an obsession with that girl. Now you can leave"

"Okay Miss" saying this he left from there and lost in the darkness

She said while smirking "Let's see how far your obsession goes Calvin. My hand is itching to kill you but I have to control myself"


Despite there estrangement Alex and Isabelle have each carved out successful paths in their respective wordls as Ceo's.

They were not involved in any matters related to the underworld. Because of their conflict they decided to take rest but didn't knew their rest would take 5 years.

This was the perfect time for them to return to their underworld and defeat Miles.They both embarked on a journey to reach their mother land.

Alex gazing from the window "It feels strange to be back after all this time"

Alex and Isabelle didn't travelled together, they had their own vehicles.

Isabelle- "It's been so long"

As soon as they reached, they both were greeted by the warm embrace of their mothers.

Lavinia to her son "Alex, my boy, it's so good to see you here again"

Alex hugged his mother tightly "I missed you Mom a lot"

Caroline while hugging her daughter "My child, I missed you so much"

"I missed you too mom, now please do not make me cry"

Alex and Isabelle found comfort in their familiar surroundings of their childhood home.

As they settle back into the rhythm of life in their motherland, Alex and Isabelle find themselves reminiscing about the past, sharing stories and laughter as they rediscover the bonds of family that have always sustained them.

Despite the scars of their past and the uncertainties of the future, Alex and Isabelle find solace in the simple joys of home, knowing that no matter where life may take them, they will always have each other and the unwavering love of their mothers to guide them on their journey.


On the other hand, Calvin gathered some information about Alex.

"Sir He is the CEO of Argent Industries, he don't have a father but have his mother, her name is Lavinia Parker. He and Isabelle didn't had any connections in the past. I don't know how they met each other"

"Lavinia...... This name seems a little familiar, forget it. This much information is enough for me. Where is Isabelle right now"

Mr. Clint "Sir, I don't know she left in a hurry"

"To where?"

"That I don't have any idea"

Calvin threw a vase at him while shouting "I told you to keep an eye on her every move, then how the hell you don't know where she is"

"Sorry sir, she left in a hurry"

"You had one job, that also you can't complete it. Now don't see my face, get out and find where she is "

"Okay sir" saying this he left from there while Calvin was fuming in anger.

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