Chapter 6. Rejected the friendship

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Calvin's Pov

I woke up feeling a little tired as I was not able to sleep last night.

"I need to get ready fast as I have to go for a checkup. Actually check-up is just an excuse, I just want to see her"

In the hospital

I entered in Isabelle's office, a bright and airy space filled with the hum of medical equipment and rustle of papers.

"Good morning Calvin, have a seat"

Good morning doctor

"It's been a week, how have you been feeling?"

I've been doing okay. But I've been experiencing some pain in my head

"It's natural as you were in coma for a week. Okay so I will prescribe you some medicines which are going to help you ease your pain."

She wrote names of some medicines in a paper and gave it to me.

Okay, thanks doc.

" Okay please do not forget to take your medicines on time"

I was about to go but then I gained some confidence and asked her.

Um... Doctor I was thinking if you.... (Why am I feeling so nervous, I never felt like this before)

"If you .. what?"

If you'd like to be friends outside of the doctor-patient relationship.

She thought for a while and replied " Calvin, I appreciate your word of friendship. However, I must emphasize the importance of maintaining a professional boundary between doctor and patient"

I was disappointed and said "I understand doctor. I apologise if I overstepped"

"No need to apologise Calvin. Your gesture is deeply appreciated"

I went from there feeling disappointed.

Isabelle's Pov

He felt disappointed. I can see it in his face

But there's nothing I can do

I used to trust people before and I trusted 'someone' but in the end 'he' betrayed me and left me heartbroken

So you can say that I have trust issues. Now I can't trust someone easily.

Author's Pov

After working for so long she thought to walk a little. She was casually walking in a busy street. She was lost in her thoughts, she felt like everything is going wrong with her.

As she moved forward a car came moving infront of her. She was too busy in her thoughts that she didn't notice the car.

Isabelle freezing in terror - Oh no...

Calvin shouting "Watch out"

Without a moment's hesitation, Calvin rushes forward, wrapping his hands around her waist and saves her.

"Are you okay? Haven't you seen the car"

Isabelle gasping "Oh my god.... I'm okay. Thank you for saving my life Calvin"

"Anything for you."

Their eyes meet in a moment of relief and gratitude.

Isabelle gently pulling away, her voice trembling "I.. I should go"

"Yeah of course. Just take care of yourself."

"Btw are you free this evening. I mean.. if you want we can grab a coffee"asks Calvin with a little hesitation

"Hm.. Okay 7'O clock. Is it okay"

"Absolutely. Let's meet then. Byee"


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