Chapter 10. Secret meeting

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Author's Pov

He left the cafe and sat in his car.

He was so handsome that every girl was obsessed with him. He was perfect in all angles. His hairs, his blue eyes, his deep voice everything was just perfect.

Everyone knows how arrogant and dangerous he is . That is the reason why no one even dare to look at him.

It's not like he is arrogant by choice. He have his own reasons.


Calvin was sitting in his cabin. He was lost in the thoughts of that man who came to meet Isabelle

"Who could it be? How he knows her? What is the relation between them"

Suddenly a thought came in his mind and without a second late he grabbed his phone and called his assistant.

Calvin urgently "Mr.Clint You have to gather information about- Alex. I'll tell you how he looks. Just give me each and every detail of him."

"Okay Sir. Is there any specific information you want me to gather"

"I told you to gather every information - his background, his occupation, his connection with Isabelle. Everything"

"Consider it done Sir, I'll get started"

"I have to find who this Alex is and how he is related to my Isabelle"


In the secret place

The dense forest is illuminated by the flickering glow of bonfire

Isabelle emerged from the shadows, wearing full black clothes and a mask to hide her face.

She saw him standing "I can't believe that I have to meet you again"

"Neither do I. Believe me I too didn't wanted to meet you. But we are not here for an argument"

"I know! you are the one who is arguing. Leave it say"

"Do you remember our old enemy"

"We had many enemies whom you are referring to"

They both heard some footsteps, like someone was there listening to all their talks

Isabelle in a low voice "Shh! Wait Did you hear something"

"Yeah Someone is there, secretly listening to us"

"Stay close. We don't know who it could be"

They could hear the footsteps of someone approaching them

Alex- "Wait, there are more than one"

"Maybe 4 or 5"

Alex tightening his grip on the gun "We have to be calm"

Her eyes scanning the darkness

"Do you see anything?" asks Alex

"Nothing yet but I can't shake this feeling of being watched"

Their search continues, the tension thick in the air as they navigate through the jungle.
As they moved deeper they had an uneasy feeling of being trapped.

"Alex I feel like we are getting trapped"

Someone was watching them continuously and he decided to fire, he held the gun pointing at the girl and fired.

Alex and Isabelle were still searching for their enemies when they heard the sound

Isabelle screaming "Ahhh....."


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