Chapter 8. Strikes and smiles

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Author's Pov

Isabelle was laying down in her bed and was thinking

"Should I trust him"

"After what happened to me it is impossible for me to trust anyone but I don't think Calvin will be like 'him'. I mean he seems genuine"

She slept while thinking all this


The next day Calvin was waiting for her in their favourite coffee shop

"Hii Calvin"

"Hi Isabelle come lets go"

He opens the car doors for her and gestures her to sit

She sits in his car and he starts the car. They reached their destination.

He again goes to open the doors for her

Before he can open the door she opens it for herself

"I was coming to open it"says Calvin

"It's okay , I have my own hands"

He nodded and they both entered the bowling alley

"You know what I love bowling" says Isabelle being excited

"Great. How about we make it a friendly competition"

"I'm in! Loser buys icecream afterwards"


Isabelle - "Ready to show off your bowling skills"

"You better watch out I'm pro at this"

"We'll see"

Isabelle takes her turn first, sending the ball rolling down the lane with a satisfying thud as it hits the pin.

"Not bad for a warm up throw"

"Nice, let's see if I can top that"

He takes his turn, smoothly rolling the ball down the lane, it doesn't hit all the pins.

As the game progresses , Calvin and Isabelle cheer each other on, their competitive spirit only adding fun to the game.

Isabelle takes her last turn, smoothly rolling it and hits the pin scattering them in all directions

Isabelle proudly "Strike!"

Calvin clapping "Well done. I have to admit you are good at it"

"I know but you still have chance though"

Calvin takes his turn, but unfortunately this time he was not able to hit as many pins as Isabelle did with her strike

"Yessss! I won" says Isabelle with excitement

"I was about to win"

"But that doesn't change the fact that I won"

"Yeah ,btw Congratulations"

"Thank you....."

"Let me buy you an ice-cream as per our deal"

She nodded and they both sat at a bench near the bowling alley, each enjoying a cone of ice-cream.

"It was so much fun. I loved it"says Isabelle while eating the ice-cream

"Yes. Thanks for suggesting"

"I think we should do this all more often"

"I would love that idea"

"We had a lot of fun today, although I don't want but we have to go"

"Yess. No problem we'll again plan something"

"Sure let's go"

"Where do you live? I'll drop you there"asks Calvin

"I'll go by myself just drop me at the coffee shop"

"Okay as you wish"

They reached towards his car. He drops her at the coffee shop and leaves while waving his hand in a 'byee'.

Isabelle with a bright smile "I can't remember the last time I felt this happy. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Thanks Calvin for making me laugh again"

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