Chapter 23. The Plan

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Isabelle to Alex "I think Alex he deserves to atleast know the plan"

"We'll I think he does"


The next day after they killed Miles.

The first light of dawn filters through the curtains, casting a soft glow on Alex and Isabella as they wake in each other's arms.

Alex smiles, brushing a strand of hair from Isabelle's face as she slowly open her eyes.

"Morning my love"

Isabelle smiling "Morning"

Then Isabelle's expression grows serious and she takes a deep breath "Alex there is something, I need to say about Calvin"

Alex (confused) "Calvin? That guy in the coffee shop"

"Yes actually he's..... someone I've been using to get information. He doesn't know it, but he is connected to something very personal"

"Say it clearly"

Isabelle takes a deep breath "Calvin is the one who killed your father, Alex. I found out a while ago. I've been keeping him close to gather the evidence"

Alex (stunned) "What? Why didn't tell me sooner"

Isabelle with tears in her eyes "I didn't wanted to hurt you. I wanted to make sure I had everything needed before confronting him. I needed to be certain, to protect you"

Alex (angrily and with tears in his eyes) "Protect me...... My father's death have haunted me for years. I trusted you, Bella and you kept this from me."

"Alex listen to me... I never wanted to keep this from you. Calvin is dangerous, I needed to be sure before I acted. Now that you know we could take him down together"

Alex went from there angrily
"There's a lot to process. I need time"

Before leaving the room, Isabelle told him "I'm waiting for you in the strategy room"

After a couple of hours Alex came to the room and saw that she is waiting for him.

"You are right Bella. We need to deal with him together"

Isabelle relieved "Thanks Alex. We'll get through this. We'll bring him to Justice for your father and for us"

"We will. But no more secrets Bella. We will face everything together from now on"

"No more secrets. I promise"

Then she spoke again "You need to know about Mr.Clint, he is the assistant of Calvin and most importantly he is your father's bestfriend. Remember??"

"Wait Jason Clint"

"Yeah he is. When I told him about Calvin, he immediately joined hands with me"

Isabelle, Alex and Clint was on a call.

She spoke "I have a plan, I know it's risky. But we have to do it."

"What's the plan" both of them said it together.

"Calvin is obsessed with me and he has been hinting at proposing to me. If I reject him, he'll likely react violently. We can use that to our advantage"


"I'll reject his proposal, knowing he'll kidnap me out of anger. Once I'm in his mansion with the help of Mr. Clint, I can gather the evidence against him"

Alex- "No Isabelle. It's dangerous, I can't let you put yourself in that kind of risk"

"It's the best chance we have. Calvin's guards will be down once he thinks he has control over me. I can do this Alex trust me"

She placed her hands over him.

"I don't like this, but if you think it's the way then we'll do it. Just be careful Bella"

He took her hand and kissed it.

"I'll be careful. Promise"

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