Chapter 25. Discussion

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Caroline and Lavinia discussed about something and then called Alex and Isabelle.

"You called us mom" Alex spoke

Caroline smiled and said "We have some exciting news for you both"

Lavinia said  "We’ve decided on the details for your wedding. It’s going to be a beautiful, grand mafia wedding."

Alex (eyes widening) "Really? That sounds... perfect."

Isabelle blushing "I can’t believe this is actually happening. Thank you both so much."

Lavinia (holding Isabelle’s hand) "It’s our pleasure, sweetheart. But there’s one more thing we need to tell you"

Caroline (nodding) "Tradition dictates that the bride and groom don’t see each other for a few days before the wedding. It’s supposed to make the ceremony even more special."

Alex (looking at Isabelle) "I can't stay away from her."

Isabelle (smiling shyly) "I suppose we will. It’ll make our wedding day even more magical"

Caroline (chuckling) "That’s the spirit. It’s just a few days, and then you’ll be together forever"

Lavinia (hugging them both) "We’re so happy for you. Now, let’s get everything ready for the big day"

Alex's Room That Evening :

Alex and Isabelle stand outside his room, reluctant to part ways. The night air is cool, and the stars twinkle above them.

Alex taking Isabelle’s hands "It’s only a few days. But I’m going to miss you like crazy"

Isabelle (leaning in, her forehead resting against his) "I’ll miss you too. But it’s worth it. Our wedding day will be here before we know it"

Alex (smiling) "And then we’ll never have to be apart again"

Isabelle (kissing him softly) " I love you, Alex. I can’t wait to marry you"

Alex (holding her close) "I love you too, Isabelle. See you at the altar"

Isabelle walks away, glancing back at Alex, who watches her until she’s out of sight.

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