Chapter 21. Proof

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Author's Pov
Guys don't get confused, so right now I'll write about the current situation means the situation where Calvin kidnapped Isabelle.


Current situation

Isabelle was sitting in that room when a man came in

"Hey Isabelle listen to me carefully, I heard that he is going to release you so that you can move in the mansion. So go to the store room, you will find a drawer. Password is 2410"

"Sure. Thank you"

He left from there immediately, while locking the door.

"Isabelle, Don't forget the password, it's 2410"

After some time, she hears the lock click, and the door creaks open. Calvin stands in the doorway.

Calvin calmly looks at her "Isabelle, you’re free to move around the mansion now. I hope you don't do anything foolish or you know what I'm capable of "

Isabelle stepping out "Why the change of heart, Calvin?"

Calvin smirking "I thought you might appreciate some freedom, even if it’s limited."

Isabelle sarcastically "How generous of you."

Calvin while ignoring her tone "You can explore, but remember, the doors to the outside are locked and guarded. Don't try to escape."

Isabelle nodding reluctantly "Fine."


Calvin went to his room, took his coat and said to his assistant.

"Mr. Clint, I give this responsibility to you.
Keep checking her, she is not as innocent as she seems. Don't let her go to the places which are restricted"

"Sure sir"

"I have an urgent meeting, so it may take more than an hour, but don't worry I'll keep checking the cctv"

"Yes sir"

Saying this he left from there and went to his office.


Isabelle immediately went to the store room, filled with dusty books and forgotten papers. As she sorts through them, she stumbles upon a hidden drawer in the desk.

Isabelle whispered to herself "What’s in here?. Ah yesss the drawer"

She tries to open the drawer but it needs password.

"Okay so the password was- 2-3-1-0"

Wrong password

"Wait, wait what's the password" she tries to remember

2-4-1-0 and the drawer is opened.

She checks the drawer to find more documents and a photograph of Alex's father, Jonathan Parker, alongside a young Calvin.

She reads through the papers, her eyes widening in shock. They detail a corrupt business deal, linking Calvin directly to Jonathan's death.

Isabelle breathing heavily "This is it. This is the proof I need."

She took the papers and went to the man

"Mr. Clint, I found the papers send it to Alex"

"Yes sure."

He send all the documents and photos to Alex.

On the other hand, Alex received the papers and removed all the cctv footage which shows that Isabelle entered the store room and met with Mr. Clint

Mr. Clint heard a knock and told her to keep all the documents in their places and lock the store room.

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