Chapter 16. The truth

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Josh asked "Btw, if you both are comfortable, may I know the reason why you broke up"

"Nothing just, if a man brings his ego in between, then this is bound to happen"

"I brought my ego or it was you"

"Oh pls Alex we all know the truth"

"What do you mean, is it all my fault and you did nothing"

"Obviously it's all your fault"

"Oh goodness see you are still blaming me.
Why don't you see your mistake"

"Because I was not at fault. You were the one-- I hate you Alex, you just care about yourself, no one matters for you except you. I was such a fool to fall in love with you"

"I suddenly acted rude and you never tried to know the reason. Now say who is the selfish one here. And yeah that's true I was also a fool who fell in love with you"

Josh with a expressionless face "Guys listen to me, I found something"

He handed a video to them about miles.

"What is it Josh"asked Isabelle

She took the phone from his hand and started playing the video.


Video started

5 years ago......

Miles with one of his colleagues was sitting in his office

"Sir, it's impossible to defeat them, especially when both of them are together"

"Then what should we do"

"Sir the only way is to create misunderstandings between them so that they hate each other and become enemies. Because if they are together, no one can harm them"

"Then do it what's stopping you"

"It's not that easy as it seems, they have an unbreakable bond. We have to create a very big misunderstanding than we can add a few more and eventually we can separate them. I have a plan sir, if you want we can use it"

"Do whatever you want, I just can't see them together anymore"

Saying this his colleague left from there, leaving him alone

"Alex and Isabelle just wait and watch."

Video end...


Alex and Isabelle looked at each other with shock. They realised that whatever was happening between them was all his plan

Josh- "Guys I think we don't have time, we should focus on Miles right now.
I heard that Miles is now in our territory and you will be shocked to hear that he captured 40% of our land"

Isabelle was shocked "Whattt ?"

"Yes that's true.Miles always was a master manipulator. I'm not surprised he's still causing trouble. But if we're going to defeat him, we need a solid plan." Said Josh

After a few minutes of silence he spoke "He's challenging you to face your past and your allies. He wants to create distrust and division"

Isabelle with determination in her eyes "We can't let him do that. Do you have a plan Josh"

"We need to lure Miles out of hiding. He's too comfortable in the shadows. If we can expose him, we can control the narrative"

Alex- "How do we do that. He's always been elusive "

Josh smiling "We need bait. Something or someone he can't resist. And while he's focused on that, we'll dismantle his operations from the inside out. But it has to be convincing."

Isabelle: "What if we stage a public fallout? Make it look like his plan is working. He'll want to capitalize on our apparent weakness."

Alex nodding slowly "And while he's distracted by our 'fallout,' we can gather intel and strike where he least expects it"

Josh grinning "Now you're thinking like him. It's risky, but if we play our cards right, we can turn his own tactics against him."


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