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The Wedding Day

The grand church is filled with elegance and extravagance, adorned with flowers, candles, and intricate decorations fit for a mafia wedding. Guests arrive in their finest attire, adding to the opulence of the event. As Alex and Isabelle stand at the altar, ready to exchange their vows, their friends and fellow syndicate members add their own unique touch to the ceremony.

Guests arrive, greeted by rows of sleek, black cars lining the street. They step out, dressed to impress, with a subtle hint of danger in their demeanor. Security guards discreetly scan the area, ensuring a safe and secure environment.

As Alex and Isabelle exit their respective cars, they are greeted by cheers and applause from their friends and family.

Josh (clapping Alex on the back) "Lookin’ sharp, boss! Ready to tie the knot?"

Alex (grinning) "You bet. Let’s do this."

Meanwhile, Isabelle exchanges hugs and kisses with her friends, excitement bubbling in the air.

Isabelle (hugging her friend, Sarah) "Can you believe it’s finally here? I feel like I’m floating in the air"

Sarah (smiling) "You look absolutely stunning, Isabelle. Alex’s a lucky guy'

Inside the Church

As the ceremony begins, Alex and Isabelle exchange vows, declaring their love and commitment to each other amidst the grandeur of the church. But this isn’t just any wedding; it’s a celebration of their mafia heritage, and their friends and family are determined to make it memorable.

Alex (gazing into Isabelle’s eyes) "I promise to stand by your side, to protect you and cherish you for all the days of my life. You are my rock, my partner,my love and my soulmate"

Isabelle (smiling tearfully) "And I promise to love you fiercely, to support you in all that you do, and to never let anything come between us. You are my everything, Alex"

They kissed each other promising to never leave each other.

Their friends stand behind them, playfully brandishing their guns in a show of camaraderie and loyalty.

Josh (whispering to another guest) "Only at a mafia wedding, right?"

Guest: (chuckling) Wouldn’t have it any other way.



uring the reception

The reception is a feast for the senses, with sumptuous food, flowing champagne, and lively music filling the air. The dance floor is crowded with guests, their movements fluid and graceful, despite the subtle weight of their concealed weapons.

Guest (raising a glass) "To Alex and Isabelle! May your love be as strong as steel and as enduring as the night!"

Laughter and cheers fill the room as everyone toasts to the newlyweds.

Alex (taking Isabelle’s hand) "Shall we dance, Mrs. Parker?"

Isabelle (smiling) "I thought you’d never ask, Mr. Parker."

They sway to the music, lost in each other’s eyes as they celebrate their love and their future together.

Guests mingle and chat, laughter and merriment filling the room. Friends and allies from all corners of the syndicate come together, forging bonds and strengthening alliances amidst the celebration.

Another friend of Alex (raising an eyebrow) "So, who’s next to tie the knot?"

Josh (grinning) "If Alex and Isabelle can make it work, there’s hope for all of us, right?"

Sarah "Right"

Isabelle stands at the center of the room, a bouquet of flowers in hand, ready to continue the age-old tradition of tossing the bouquet to determine who will be the next to get married. Excitement buzzes in the air as the single ladies gather eagerly, hoping to catch the bouquet.

Isabelle (smiling mischievously) "Alright, ladies! It’s time to see who’s next in line for wedded bliss!"

Isabelle turns around, the bouquet held high above her head, and with a playful spin, she tosses it into the crowd. The bouquet sails through the air, a colorful blur against the backdrop of the celebration.

Guests cheering and clamoring to catch the bouquet.

Among the eager guests, Sarah leaps into the air, reaching out to catch the bouquet. But as she stretches her arms, her foot catches on the edge of her dress, causing her to stumble backward.

Sarah gasping

In a swift and graceful movement, Josh springs forward. With lightning reflexes, he catches Sarah just as she begins to fall, his strong arms enveloping her in a protective embrace.

Josh (smirking) "Easy there, Sarah. Wouldn’t want you to miss the bouquet and the catch of your life."

Sarah (blushing furiously) "Oh my goodness, thank you, Josh! I-I didn’t see that coming."

As Sarah steadies herself in Josh's arms, she looks up at him with a mix of surprise and gratitude.

Meanwhile, the bouquet lands squarely in Josh's waiting hand, a testament to his quick thinking and agility.

Guests are cheering and applauding

Isabelle (laughing) "Well, it looks like we have a double winner tonight! Sarah for the next bride-to-be and Josh for the next groom-to-be!"

Sarah and Josh share a shy smile, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment. As they stand together, surrounded by friends and laughter, it’s clear that love is in the air, even amidst the chaos of the wedding reception.

The guests laugh, enjoying the lighthearted banter and camaraderie.

As the night progresses, the atmosphere becomes more relaxed and playful. Guests take turns posing for photos with their guns, joking and laughing as they capture memories of this special day.

Guest (posing with a gun) "Say cheese!"

Everyone laughs as the camera flashes, capturing the lighthearted moment.

From the youngest members of the syndicate to the seasoned veterans, everyone embraces the joy and revelry of the occasion.

The wedding becomes a symbol of unity and strength, a testament to the enduring bonds of friendship and family within the mafia.

As the night comes to a close, Alex and Isabelle share a quiet moment alone, reflecting on the whirlwind of emotions and experiences that brought them to this point. Surrounded by the love and support of their friends and family, they know that no matter what challenges lie ahead, they will face them together, united in love and loyalty.


Author's Pov

The book is finally over, I hope you all loved the book.

This was my first time writing a book,so if there are some mistakes avoid it.

Do tell me if you loved the book or not and if you loved the book, which character is your favourite.

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