Chapter 11. Old Enemy

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Author's Pov

As he heard the sound of the bullet coming towards her. He panicked and immediately held her wrist and their bodies met.

His other hand moved towards her waist, like he was protecting her from everyone and their eyes blazed with resentment.

"Don't think for a second that this changes anything"

Feeling his hand on her waist and his body against her, she pushed herself away from his grip.

"I don't need your help. I never asked for it"

"Believe me I wouldn't even bother if it wasn't necessary"

Alex saw a shadowy figure"There he is. Get down!"

"What do we do now"

"Fight back, we can't let them catch us off guard"

As the shadowy figure moved closer, Isabelle took the aim and fired

With a coordinated effort, they engaged in a fierce battle against their assailant.

"Isabelle! Watch out"

A figure emerged toward her, her gun fell down and she delivered a strong punch in his face.

Alex from behind shot the man and again she picked up her gun.

As they moved more deep in the jungle, they could sense that all the mens are here

Isabelle in a low voice "Alex.... There are exactly 4 mens right now"

"Okay then you handle two of them and I'll handle the rest"

The men started firing from all the directions. Alex handled the right side and Isabelle handled the left side.

And finally they catched all the 4 mens.


All of them kneeled before Alex and Isabelle.

"Now tell me what you all want from us"

The men remained silent, their head bowed in submission.

"Why you guys are silent. Didn't you all  heard what she said."

Still everyone remained silent.

He asked again "This is your last chance"

Before any of them can respond , a shot rings out echoing through the jungle.

One of the men collapses to the ground, blood pouring through his head.

Isabelle lowering her smoking gun "This is what happens, when you don't co-operate"

"Now who's next"

With trembling hands, they began to spill all the information, desperate to avoid suffering the same fate as their fallen comrade.

As the jungle again falls in silence,the truth begins to emerge.

Alex narrowing his eyes "Miles.......  I should have known"

"After all this years, he again came back. What does he want now"

"Btw the reason I called you tonight was about Miles"

One of the man speaked " Miles.. he's been watching you both for a long time. He knows what you're capable of"

"That means he is using us as pawn in his game" said Alex

She spoke angrily "Well.... He underestimated us if he thinks we'll go according to his plans"

"Where can we find him"

The men were hesitant to speak but they knew if they wouldn't tell she would kill all of them. One of them was about to speak when all of them got shot.

Alex- "We're too late. He is already here"

Isabelle gazing at the lifeless bodies of the men "Miles.. will pay for everything. He won't go away with it"

"We need to find him before he strikes again"

They moved deeper into the jungle but didn't find anything.

Alex with a frustrating look " Where could he have gone"

"He's elusive but he can't hide forever"

"I can't believe after five years he will again come back"

"We should have killed him that day"

"Then let's complete our unfinished work"


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