Chapter 20. Love

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Alex and Isabelle stand on the rooftop, looking out over their territory. The city is peaceful, the chaos of Miles' influence finally dissipating.

Alex sighing "It’s finally over. We did it, Belle"

Isabelle leaning into him "We did. And we’ll keep doing it. Together"

They embrace, the bond between them stronger than ever.

The rain begins to fall gently, both of them remain standing feeling the cool droplet of water in their face.

Alex watching her, smiling "You love rain, don't you"

Isabelle looks at him "I do, it feels like a new start. Everything fresh"

Alex stepping forward "We could make a fresh start"

Isabelle giving her hand "Dance with me, will you"

Alex holds her hand "Always"

They move to the center of the rooftop, the rain soaking their clothes but neither of them are caring. Alex wraps an arm around Isabelle’s waist, pulling her close.

"I've missed this. Alex" she says while dancing

"Me too Bella. This moment just feels perfect"

"Cause it is perfect"

As they dance, the world around them fades away, leaving just the two of them.

Alex leans in, capturing her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. It's a kiss filled with all the love, longing, and hope.

As he kisses her, her hands finding their way to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss deepens, becoming an affirmation of their bond and a promise for the future.

Isabelle looking at Alex "I never stopped loving you, Alex. Even when we were apart, you were always in my heart."

Alex gently caresses her face "I never stopped loving you either, Isabelle. And I promise, from now on, no one will come between us again."

The rain begins to slow, the storm passes. Alex and Isabelle, now soaked but exhilarated, laugh as they catch their breath.

Alex while laughing "We’re drenched!"

Isabelle grinned  "But it was worth it. Every moment with you is worth it"

"I love you Alex"

"I love you too my love" his eyes softened and then he kissed her again.

They slowly break the kiss, resting their foreheads together, both of them smiling, eyes closed as they savor the closeness.


They both walk into Alex's bedroom.

They undress slowly, shedding the soaked clothes and slipping under the covers. Alex pulls Isabelle close, wrapping his arms around her, and she nestles against his chest.

Isabelle murmuring "This feels right, being here with you"

Alex while kissing her forehead "It does. I have missed this more than anything"

They share one last, tender kiss, the kiss is gentle, lingering, filled with all the emotions they’ve held back for so long.

Alex whispers, as he drifts off "Sweet dreams, Bella"

Isabelle sleepily "Sweet dreams".

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