Chapter 24. The final burn

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Isabelle meets Calvin for dinner at a restaurant. Calvin is charming, but there's an underlying tension in his demeanour. As the dinner progesses, he reaches across the table and takes her hand.

"Um... I don't know how to say it, but when I saw you for the first time after the accident, I fell in love with you Isabelle. I want to make you mine"

He pulled out a ring, sat on his knees and asked "Will you marry me?"

Isabelle (pretending to be shocked) "What are you saying Calvin"

"I love you Isabelle and I want to marry you"

"I appreciate but I.... I... I can't. I'm sorry"

She took her purse and went out of the restaurant.

Calvin was still in his knees, his face darkened instantly.

"You'll regret this Isabelle. I thought everything will go smoothly, but now I think there's only one way"

He immediately called Mr. Clint and told him that we have toh kidnapp Isabelle.

As Isabelle predicted, as soon as she left the restaurant and went to her car. Some men wearing dark clothes and a mask came surrounding her.

She was surrounded by all of them and they had guns.

This area was filled with many people when she came but now she can't see anyone except this men's.

Without warning, a man lunged from his hiding spot. Isabelle barely had time to register the movement, before she felt a sharp, excruciating pain at the back of her head.

The world spun wildly, and she stumbled forward, her vision blurred. Her thoughts become foggy and her body went limp.

The man was none other than Calvin, he caught her as she fell, lifting her easily.

Flashbacks over



"So this was the plan, Calvin....... and you fell in this trap so easily"

Calvin was still in his knees, his face bruised and blooded as they started interrogating him.

Alex and Isabelle stand over him, their expression with a mix of anger and determination.

Alex shot him again on his another knee.

Alex leaning in closer "You thought you could destroy us. You thought you could manipulate and control. But you were so wrong Calvin"

Calvin laughed weakly "You think, you are better than me, you are just like me both of you."

Isabelle said coldly "We are nothing like you. We protect our own but you destroy"

Alex shot him again in his right arm.

"What did my father do to you"

"Nothing, but I can't stand him because he was always one step ahead of me"

He shot him again this time on his left arm.
He threw the gun on his head and took a knife and started stabbing on his body till he was satisfied.

Then lastly he dragged him to another room. The room where Mr. Clint has already filled it with the acrid smell of gasoline.

Calvin is tied to a chair, surrounded by a circle of fuel-soaked debris.

Alex takes a final drag from the cigarette, the end glowing brightly. He steps forward, holding the cigarette.

Calvin screamed "No please!.... Don't do this"

"This is for everything you've done to my father. Burn in hell, bastard"

Alex drops the cigarette onto the gasoline.
Calvin's screams fill the room as the fire engulfs him.

All of them went out from Calvin's house and watched it burn.

Mr. Clint already placed bombs around the mansion and everything was burned and turned into ashes.

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