Chapter 3. Accident

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Calvin in his cabin-

"Being a criminal lawyer is not easy. Everytime you are surrounded by thousands of enemies" says Calvin while sitting in his cabin.

" It's already 11 pm , I think I should go home. All my work here is done"

He exits the office. As he approaches towards his car in the parking lot, he doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary at first. He unlocks the door and sits in the driver seat, ready to head home.

A man in disguise watches Calvin sitting in his car and starts smiling inwardly.

Calvin starts the engine, and cautiously navigates the darkened streets of the city. His knuckles turns white as he grips the steering wheel, his senses on high alert for any kind of trouble. Suddenly a tree came in his path, but before he can react he realises with horror that his brakes are failed.

"What the fuck! What happened to the brakes? Why are they not working"

"No, no, noooo" he crashes his car into the tree and hit his head. Blood pouring through his head.

Calvin groaning in pain - "Ahhh! Help, someone help please"

No one was there to help him, because the Street was empty. There were not any shops or something and not a single person was there who could have helped him.
Isabelle going to her home - 

Isabelle was reaching towards her home, when she heard someone groaning in pain.

She immediately turned her wheels the right side where she saw a man crashed his car in a tree and was asking for help but there was no one to help him. 

She asks -"Sir, can you hear me? Are you alright?"

Calvin groans in response, his consciousness fading in and out as pain pulses through his body.

Isabelle checking his pulses "You have to get out of here. Can you move?"

Calvin struggling to speak " M-y brak-es fai-led."

"We'll figure that out later sir, first we have to get you out safely"

Isabelle leads him to her car, determined to get him to the hospital as soon as possible or the situation might get worse.

She starts the engine, her eyes remains focused on the road ahead.

"We're going to get you to the hospital now. Just hang in there, a little longer"

As she speeds through the streets towards the hospital, Calvin' s  condition worsens, his consciousness fading in and out. Finally, they arrive at the emergency entrance, where a team of medical professionals is ready and waiting

Isabelle (urgently) "We need help here! Car crash victim, critical condition!"

The medical team springs into action, rushing him into the emergency room where they work tirelessly to stabilize him. Isabelle watches anxiously, her heart pounding with each passing second. When Calvin is finally stabilized, the doctor takes a deep breath.

The medical team - "He is now out of danger, but-"

"But what sir?" asks Isabelle

"But he is in coma. It may take him a week to recover fully."

Isabelle (to the medical team) "Okay! Thank you Sir. Please keep me updated on his condition"


She finally reaches home. "I'm so tired today. I need to relax myself and sleep"

" Let me take a bath, then I'll write something"

She reaches for her diary, takes a pen and starts writing about her day."Writing always helps me make sense of things"

Quote of the day

'Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person."

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