Chapter 18. Reconciliation

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Isabelle and Alex stand face to face, the tension palpable between them, until finally, in a moment of vulnerability, they reach out to each other

Isabelle voice trembling "Alex... I don't know what to say."

Alex softly "You don't have to say anything, Belle."

With tears glistening in her eyes, Isabelle steps forward, closing the distance between them. Without hesitation, Alex opens his arms, inviting her into an embrace that transcends words.

Isabelle whispers "Thank you, Alex."

Their embrace is hesitant at first, as if unsure of how to navigate this newfound closeness. But as seconds turn into minutes, they hold onto each other tighter, their bodies fitting together as if they were made for this moment.

Alex's voice filled with emotion "I've missed you, Bella"

Isabelle rests her head against his chest "I've missed you too, Alex."

In the quiet intimacy of their embrace, the weight of their past grievances fades away, replaced by a sense of peace and understanding.

They hold onto each other as if afraid to let go, savoring the warmth and comfort they find in each other's arms.

As they stand there, lost in the embrace of reconciliation, the world around them seems to fade away, leaving only the two of them, united in a bond stronge pair than any feud or misunderstanding.

They broke the hug and looked at each other

"I can't believe he used us as his pawn in his game. All this time, we were played"she said with anger

"Don't worry Bella, now we are together and this time we will use him as pawns"

"Agreed" she nodded


On the same night, Isabelle got a text message from Calvin

"Hey Isabelle, where are you??"

"Um... Actually Calvin, I'm in my hometown"

"Oh so when you'll be back"

"Idk, maybe within this week or in 2 weeks"

"Oh.... Ok... Byee"



On the same night a woman got a call from a man.

"Hello miss.... There's a news"

"What is it"

"He is actually calling someone in this past few days"

"Calling?? Who"

"He is calling an assassin, maybe he want to kill someone"

"Do me a favour. Keep tracking his phone and send me all his call recordings"

"Sure miss"

"And one more thing. Keep checking his mansion from time to time. I'm sure there must be something"

"Okay as you say miss..... I'll hire some of his guards"

She hung up the call and started looking towards her knife

"I'm eagerly waiting for the day, when I'll kill you with this knife Calvin"

She screamed to herself "What do you think after what you have done to my family, I'll forgive you. No way Calvin, I'll make sure you suffer. I will make your life a living hell"

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