Chapter 5. Courtroom

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Calvin's Pov

In the courtroom -

Ladies and gentlemen.

I stand before you today not as an advocate of my client but also as a victim of a heinous crime.

I've been searching for a week about the person responsible for the attack which left me fighting for my life.

And today, I stand here to tell you that I've uncovered the truth. It's none other than Mr. David

"Objection, Your honour!There is no concrete evidence linking my client to the attempted murder" says the opposite counsel.

"Overruled. Proceed Mr. Smith" says the judge

I passed the evidence to the judge, including the footage,a sense of unease settles over the courtroom.

"He is lying. Fabricated lies meant to distract from the real issues at hand" says david

"Order! Mr. Smith do you have any concrete evidence to support these claims" asked the judge

Your honour, I present to you the evidence that proves that Mr. David tried to attempt a murder.

I passed the evidence which include some fingerprints and phone call records. This proved that David committed the crime.

"Mr. David , you have been found guilty of conspiracy to commit assault, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power.

Your actions have not only endangered the life of Mr. Calvin Smith but have undermined the very fabric of our legal system.

For these crimes, I hereby sentence you to thirty-five years in prison." Said the judge

David is led away in handcuffs but before going I told him in a calm voice "I told you David do not mess with me or you will have to face the consequences"

Outside the courthouse I was surrounded by many reporters asking for a statement.

Today justice prevailed. But let us not forget the importance of integrity and truth in our legal system.

A sense of hope fills in the hearts of onlookers reminding them that even in the darkest of times, justice will always prevail.

Later this evening, I gathered with my close friends and celebrated my victory.


I returned back home , I was not able to sleep.

I'm still awake. I can't sleep. Why can't I get her out of my mind.

But she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in the whole world.

From the day I met her, I just can't think of anything else. Even during the courtroom session I was thinking about her.

What is happening with me. And tomorrow is Sunday, I have to go for a check up. That means I'll see her again

My inner voice is telling me to ask her if she wants to be my friend.

I think I should give it a shot

After a couple of hours , I was finally able to sleep

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