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A/N ~ Shout out to @Hellsmaster for being my no1 supporter from day 1 <3

I'm a fucking idiot

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I'm a fucking idiot.

I pushed her too much. She was just getting used to knowing us out of school and I ruined it all by bringing it into the school environment.

Now she's avoiding us and it's all my fault.

Zander and the others are barely speaking to me, but she's so irresistible that I know they would've made a similar mistake soon. It just happened to be me that slipped up first. 

Now that Camille can't work, I spend a lot of my free time either at the school marking papers or at the fight club. 

So here I am, sat in my classroom, after dark, hunched over my desk marking papers. 

When I went into teaching, I thought I would find that one student who would need inspiring and someone to believe in them. I didn't expect that one student to be Camille. 

Not the beautiful 18 year old with chestnut hair who has a sharp mouth despite her small stature. 

Not the girl who was transferred to my class after being kicked out of another English class and then challenged me her first time in my class. 

Not the girl who bears so much on her shoulders but with a smile on her face, that only those who want to see, will see through it. 

She's an angel with a shining halo only I and the others can see. 

She's ours. 

I cast my attention back to the paper I'm marking, entitled 'Hester Prynne was a Puritan Lorelai Gilmore.' 

An inventive title but very poorly written. 

I give up reading after the fifth 'and' in the same sentence, instead logging onto my laptop and opening my emails.

I see an email from Camille and open it, remembering that she had to do her essay on a laptop.

Of course Zoe had to break her dominant hand. 

I remember Camille's cute little face contorted in concentration as she typed her essay with one hand. Given it would take her longer than the others who were handwriting, I only asked for a reduced version from Camille. 

I open the document but blink at it when I see only four words. 

'I couldn't think. Sorry.'

That poor girl. 

We had noticed a change in her from the way she slumps down in our classes and doesn't dress in anything but sweats. 

She used to put effort into her appearance, with makeup and sexy outfits that were so simple but looked insatiable on her. 

Even in clothes she just threw on, she still looks beautiful but I feel a pang of some sort of sadness when I see that the light has disappeared from her eyes. 

I think she's broken. 

We need to fix her. 

Ma Chérie

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Ma Chérie. 

It hurts me to see her this way. 

It hurts me to see her hurting so much because of what her ex best friend did to her. 

Someone who she trusted so much betrayed her.

And I have a feeling it's not the first time this has happened.

From the state of her Dad when we brought her back from the party, it's pretty fair to assume he is a violent alcoholic who survives off her wages alone. 

She deserves so much more.

If only we could show her.

Take her away from him and prove to her that she is worth the love she dreams for. 

Getting to satisfy that girl in every way possible is all the four of us want. 

And we usually get what we want. 

Leaving my classroom for the day, I stop by Luka's office, knocking on the open door. He looks up from his desk and scowls at me.

"I'm going to the gym to box. I need a target," I say. 

He stares at me for a few seconds, emotionless, before staring back at his laptop.

I turn to walk away but he stops me. 

"Come look at this," he mutters. I walk behind his desk and read his laptop over his shoulder.

What the fuck?

"Camille wrote that in a test I gave...it's all she wrote," he keeps his eyes on the screen.

"I knew there was something going on with her. She's been so...how do you say in English... sad,"  I mutter.

"I want to kill that dad of hers," Luka says, looking up at me with cold eyes. 

"Me too," I pause for a second, "come on, let's go to the gym."

He stands up and we leave, heading to the gym with our bags we keep in our cars.

We enter the warehouse, feeling the cold breeze hit us through the metal doors. I look to the large boxing ring in the centre, watching as two men spar. 

There are a few punching bags spread around the room, replacing the chairs we set out for fight night. 

Luka leads the way to the office, where we prefer to change and we swap our suits for sweatpants. Mine grey and his navy blue. 

As we walk towards the ring, the men see us and leave it. We are intimidating to most boxers, especially Luka with his fighting reputation. 

Owning the gym has that effect too. 

We put on our gloves and square up to each other.

As I let out the first punch, I feel anger bubble in me. 

Luka dodges and lands a hit on the right side of my abdomen. I gasp at the sudden force but recover quickly and strike back with a punch to his left shoulder. 

I feel both of our pent up angry tension releasing with every hit, striking with precision. 

My mind starts to clear and I come up with a plan on how to help Camille. 

I just need to get the guys to agree. 


Sorry it's a slightly shorter chapter.

Kind of a filler but also a POV of two of the guys :)

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