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It's decided

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It's decided.

I already hate game days. 

It's my first one at this school and somehow I'm already fucked off.

I mean seriously, I shouldn't have to smile and talk to this many people.

Parents and students have all filed in to get a look at the new principal. I've had lusty mothers flirt with me whilst their daughters stand with love heart eyes.

And all I can do is smile and act friendly when really all I want to do is tell them to leave me alone. 

At least the other guys are here so they can deflect some of the attention. They all know how much I hate having to make small talk.

I tried hiding in my office but that wasn't even a safe option. They came in and found me. 

So now, here I am standing on the bleachers, saying my last few greetings to parents as we wait for the game to start.

My eyes fall on Camille. She's standing in her cheer uniform, which fits her body like a second skin, looking intensely at the cheer captain as she is told instructions. 

I watch as her face contorts from confusion to anger as I see a blonde girl talk to her. 

That must be Zoe.

I must say, anger is a very attractive emotion on Camille. 

We know she can be a brat but, if she pulled that angry face on me, I would put her over my knee before she had a chance to protest.

"Fuck, that uniform," Josh mutters from next to me. 

I smirk, knowing all of us can't take our eyes off her. 

The things I would do whilst she was wearing that...

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of music and I look down to see the cheerleaders in formation. 

I watch as Camille dances, painting an overly enthusiastic smile on her face. 

She always hides her problems from the world. 

We don't want her to hide them from us. 

"Is that Zoe?" I nudge Gabriel who is sat on the other side of me. I point to the girl now standing by Camille. 

"Oui," he answers and I feel a pang of nervousness when I see Zoe lift Camille up with another girl. 

Shit, this isn't going to end well.

I keep my eyes trained on Zoe's face, spotting her mischievous grin. I watch as the music stops and Camille signals for the girls to let her down. 

Fuck, she isn't going to- 

Time stands still as I watch Camille fall to the ground. My heart drops with her. 

Before I can register what I'm doing, I'm up and running down the bleachers to her. The cheerleaders crowd round her. With every step, my heart beats faster.

I saw how she landed. The fights we organise has taught me enough to know that the way she landed has broken her arm. 

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!

When I finally reach her, the sea of girls part and I crouch down by her. She keeps her eyes closed as she stays paralysed on the ground. 

"Hey, Camille," I place my hand on her shoulder lightly. Her eyes flutter open, the beautiful coffee-coloured irises staring up at me. 

My heart melts as I see my girl in pain. 

I look over my shoulder, seeing the guys standing close behind. I give them a nod and Josh steps forward to help me get her up.

"Let's get you up and checked out," I say softly to her. I restrain myself from stroking her hair. We are in public, after all. 

Josh and I help her stand and we guide her to the front of the school.

Luka runs for his car and we help her in.

We drive rapidly to the hospital, all four of us feeling incredibly protective and worried for our girl.

Seeing our girl on the floor like that

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Seeing our girl on the floor like that...

Something changed in me. 

I can't stay away from her anymore. 

I know the guys feel the same. The way Zander fought for her to get seen so quickly is a big sign we are so far gone with our feelings for her. 

The doctor talks to her, examining her arm and I have to fight with myself not to push her away from my Camille. 

I can't bear seeing her in pain. 

Despite the pain taking over her senses, she still looks as beautiful as ever. 

We all know it's broken. 

With the gym, we're trained to be able to identify injuries from a distance. 

The doctor says something about taking her for an x-ray and suddenly they have left the room, leaving the four of us standing there. 

Luka shuts the door and we all stare at Zander.

"I know," he shrugs. He needs to do something about Zoe. 

If I had it my way, she would be expelled, or worse. 

"How's she going to work now?" I mutter, sitting on the empty hospital bed. 

"We're going to have to take care of it," Gabriel answers, looking at me from across the room. His voice is quiet and I know he is struggling with this. 

"What do you suggest we do?" Luka glares at him. He always was one to channel all his emotions through anger. 

"We have to wait until she reaches out for help," I answer, giving Luka a look to stand down. 

"If only we could get her away from her dad...then her problems would be fixed," Zander says, his voice increasing in anger. I watch as he opens the door and walks out, slamming it shut. 

Oh Shit. 


Thank you to @sweetl1kec1nnamon for the suggestion to do the guy's POV for the accident.

You may have noticed I unpublished the chapters after the accident as I want these POVs to be first. 

Love u all <3

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