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"What time did they arrive, Deacon?" I ask our head bouncer as I lean back in the office chair

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"What time did they arrive, Deacon?" I ask our head bouncer as I lean back in the office chair. 

"About an hour ago. They were desperate to sign up to some fights they clearly weren't trained for," he answers, emotionless and professional, "Seemed they really needed the big cash prizes."

This is fucking great. 

Removing my glasses, I rub my hand over my face, feeling the stress of the situation hit me. 

"Thanks, Deacon," I nod to him as I place my glasses back on, "Tell Hamish to give me the CCTV of the unit around that time." He nods and leaves, shutting the door behind him. 

I let out a sigh as I loosen the tie around my neck.

At least they didn't figure out we own the club. 

Picking up my phone from the desk, I dial Luka's number, knowing he's the best person to deal with this. 

The fight club is his baby. The man has an obsession with the place and takes his roles as both top-fighter and part-owner very seriously. He has a reputation for being stone cold and brutal around here but seeing him interact Camille contends with this stigma surrounding him. 

"Hello," he answers, his voice gruff and short. He seems slightly out of breath, making me look at the time on my laptop and realise he's probably at the gym. 

"Noah and Oscar came by the club today looking to sign up for fights way above their pay grade," I fill him in. The line falls silent. 

"Meet me at the apartment," he finally says before ending the call. Shaking my head, I can't help but smirk at his usual short tempered antics. 

Packing up my laptop, I head to my jeep and climb in, throwing my stuff onto the passenger seat and driving straight to the apartment.

Gabriel greets me from the kitchen as I walk in and I quickly realise Zander hasn't come back with Camille yet. 

Lucky fucker. 

"What you making?" I ask Gabriel as I grab a beer from the fridge. I pass him one, eyeing up the array of ingredients he's chopping up on the counter. 

"Burrito bowls," he answers as he takes the beer from me, opening it and taking a swig. I follow suit, sighing as the cool liquid soothes my throat. 

I take a seat on the couch, kicking my shoes off as I lean back. The sound of Luka's angry footsteps fill the air soon enough but I don't look back, waiting for him to join me. 

I hear the brief sound of the fridge opening and shutting before he's in my vision, sitting on the other end of the couch and taking a drink of his own beer. 

Gabriel joins us and the three of us sit in silence as we take steady sips of our beers. 

"They need to be barred," Luka finally grits out, breaking the stalemate of silence. 

"Already done," I shrug. 

We can't let them get too close to the business and risk them finding out about us. It's not exactly a legal venture but it's something we have all been involved in since we were kids. 

"Why are they looking to earn money, now? I mean, they were happy enough letting Camille provide for them for so long so what's changed?" Gabriel narrows his eyes as he stares into space, his questions more rhetorical and generalised than aimed at either one of us. 

"I don't fucking know, man. All I know is they have to be desperate for money for something to stoop down to this without any previous fighting experience," I shake my head, letting out a sigh of exhaustion as I try to figure out Camille's brother's game plan.

Luckily, our attention is quickly snapped up by the sound of the elevator doors opening, making us all turn our attention to Zander as he carries Camille into the apartment over his shoulder. 

We all watch in silence as he carries her through the room and up the stairs, her ass jiggling as she wiggles to get free from him whilst squealing. Blood rushes to my dick at the sight and I have to readjust my crotch as I watch her. 

We all stay slightly stunned and shocked into silence as we wait for them to return. After about five minutes, Zander emerges and walks down the stairs, grabbing his own beer before sitting down with us. I don't fail to notice the smug look on his face as he saunters around. 

"What the fuck was that about?" Luka asks, his jaw tight as he points to the top of the stairs, towards where we last saw Camille's sexy body. 

"She was being a brat so I didn't exactly give her an option about coming back here," he shrugs nonchalantly as he brings the beer bottle to his lips. 

I can't help but scoff in amusement at the irony. 

Of course Zander would be the one to bring out her stubbornness. 

The man is so fucking stubborn himself. 

"Why would she not want to come back here?" Gabriel inquires, concern on his face as he waits for an explanation. I think he was the one that fell for her first, seeing her kind nature in his class and then at the diner. 

Zander takes a long drag of his beer and lets out a sigh before answering. 

"I told her she's staying with us indefinitely. Her brothers can fend for themselves," he tenses his hands as he talks about Oscar and Noah. 

I lean forward slightly, suddenly connecting the dots in my head. 

"Did she tell them that?" I ask, scratching my forehead in exasperation. 

"Think so," he shrugs again, making me roll my eyes at his unbothered state. 

"That fucking explains why they tried to join our fights then," Luka growls, his jaw still tense. 

"Ahhhh... fuck," Zander looks between us as he realises what's happened. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it again, his eyes drifting to the top of the stairs. I follow his gaze, my dick instantly hardening again when I see Camille in my oversized shirt walking down the stairs nervously. 

Scratch that. 

She looks positively fucked off. 

Walking straight past the couch, she heads to the kitchen and continues the cooking Gabriel started, staying silent and not looking to any of us as we practically drool over her.

Well fucking done, Zander. 

You just had to push her. 


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Ooooooooh plot building... setting the scene... so fun.

Live, laugh, Wattpad <33

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