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I leave them all in bed, sliding out slowly and heading to the balcony

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I leave them all in bed, sliding out slowly and heading to the balcony. Lighting up a cigarette, I lean on the railings and look down at the city lights amongst the dark night. 

A breath escapes my lips and my shoulders sink in relaxation as my mind finally slows down. 

Having Camille nearby has that effect on me. 

Gabriel really set my heart pumping when he asked her about birth control. It took me a second to remember her having said she was on the pill before I was able to calm down. 

My thoughts wander to her dad and the job proposition Zeke is going to make him as soon as he finishes rehab. 

Hopefully, that takes the burden off you, my love. 

A soft arm snaking around my waist pulls me from my thoughts, the warmth and smell of her perfume intoxicating me. I grab her hand and pull her in front of me, resting my head on her shoulder as I snake my arms around her own waist. 

"What are you doing up, baby?" I ask her, kissing her shoulder before resting my chin on it again. 

"I could ask you the same thing," she replies, her voice still laced with sleep. 

"I couldn't sleep," I answer truthfully, sighing as I flick the cigarette away and stamp it out. 

"I woke up when you left the bed," she answers my original question and lets out a sigh, snuggling her head to mine. 

We stay there, stood together in silence for what seems like a lifetime until she finally pulls away from my grasp and turns around. She leans her back on the railings, her brown, doe eyes staring up at me.

She's trying to figure out what I'm thinking. 

"I didn't know you smoked," she traces a finger down my chest, making me shudder as a breeze sweeps along.

"Only when I need to," I grab her hand, placing a kiss on it, making her blush slightly. 

"Do you need to right now?" she asks, looking deeply into my eyes, searching for something in them. 

"Not now you're with me, I smile softly at her before pulling her flush to my body and kissing her.  She leans in, letting me dominate the kiss until I pull away. 

"Can you quit? You taste like smoke," she wrinkles her nose in disgust. 

"Sure, baby," I chuckle at her before grabbing her hand, "let's go back to bed." I lead her back into my room and we resume our places in the bed. 

She snuggles into the space she was in before and Luka wraps his arm over her waist in his sleep, making her smile. Josh has taken my space and is now pressed up against Camille, whilst Gabriel lays on the other side of Luka. 

Settling into bed, I close my eyes, letting my worries drift away as I fall asleep. 

Unfortunately, the serenity that comes with sleep didn't last long when I am pushed off the bed, landing on the wooden floor with a thud. 

"What the fuck?" I exclaim, earning a chorus of laughs as I snap my eyes open to see Camille laying between Gabriel's legs whilst Luka and Josh stand over me. 

"You were the last one to wake up," Camille shrugs, giggling. 

"Watch out, little one," I warn her, my voice raspy with sleep. I stand up, moving towards her on the bed but she hides her face into Gabriel's chest. He wraps his arms around her protectively, giving me a smug head tilt that has me rolling my eyes. 

"I need a smoke," I stand up and rub my hand over my face, opening my eyes to see Camille glaring at me. She crosses her arms and raises her eyebrows and I let out a sigh, relenting. 

"Fine...fine," I hold my hands up in defence and leave the room, heading downstairs to make coffee. I hear the guys ask her if I'm quitting as I walk downstairs, making me roll my eyes again. 

It's too early for this shit. 

By the time the coffee has brewed, the rest of them emerge, Luka carrying Camille over his shoulder down the stairs. 

"Put me down, you big oaf," she slaps his back. He sets her on her feet and she crosses her arms, playfully glaring at him. 

"Mon cœur, if you can walk properly, we obviously didn't do a good enough job last night," Gabriel says, planting a kiss on her cheek as she blushes profusely.

"Yeah, sweetheart, do you need a reminder?" Josh teases her and she squeals, walking to a barstool and sitting down. She has a slight wobble to her walk, letting us all know we did in fact do a good enough job.

"No, I'm good," she replies quickly, biting her lip and closing her eyes as she turns red. 

"Here, little one," I hand her a coffee, earning myself a soft smile from her. 

"Thanks," she takes a sip of it and sighs happily at the taste. 

"Where's ours?" Gabriel walks into the kitchen, glaring between me and the coffee machine. 

"Make your own," I grumble before going to sit next to Camille. She giggles as I kiss her cheek, pulling her barstool to be closer to mine. 

"Rude," Luka scolds me as he walks to pour his own coffee. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" Gabriel asks Camille, who shrugs before looking to me to see what I want. 

"We'll go get some pastries from the nearby bakery. I need to get some supplies if I'm going to quit smoking, anyway," I grunt before taking a sip of my coffee. 

"So you are quitting?" Luka grills me, his eyebrows raised in disbelief. I nod, standing to grab my car keys. 

"How did you manage to persuade him?" Josh asks Camille, making her giggle.

"My charm," she smiles widely before turning to me and winking. I wink back.

"Come on, Gabriel. You always get picky about choosing pastries," I gesture to the front door and we both head out, climbing into my car. 

"She has some sort of hold over you, you know," he smirks at me as I look out onto the road.

"Don't I fucking know it," I mutter under my breath. 

Slayyyy <3

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Slayyyy <3

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