Chapter 1: introduction

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Authors note: 

Hello guys, thank you for checking out my story. It really means a lot to me, I loved writing this story I hope you guys enjoy it too. I would like to say that this is my first story I'm ever writing so please be patient with me. Leave comments, engage with the story. 

Let me know what you guys think in the comments, it is a romance story and with a big plot twists. 

Warnings: explicit language, sex scenes, violence, torture. keep in mind that this is a Mafia romance story and there will be a lot of other things that people may not be comfortable with. If you cannot read that is fine, but the warnings are for that reason. 

Enjoy the story!

It's so fucking cold. I'm currently sitting on the rooftop of a building that I broke into because I had a mission to do. Looking through the small opening to capture the guy that I was here to kill. I do not know anything about this man except what he has done wrong in his life to deserve my attention. I am an assassin that does the mission to get money, I also enjoy killing people who deserve to die. My name is Scarlet Bruni, once I get the mission, I kill, and I do not miss. I work for someone who does not know my real name and I do not know their name either. I don't even know if it's a she or he because we text only, no call or FaceTime, just text. I go by Scar because it's short of my actual name, and because I have a scar on my face that I got while escaping orphanage, and he goes by Trigger. There are a lot of news outlets who talk about me indicating that I'm a "man" because of my name, which is to my advantage because they will never guess that behind all of this killing is a woman who works as bartender in Crave Club which is one the most famous clubs in Italy.

In this cold weather im waiting for this fucker to finish having sex so i can kill the motherfucker without scaring the poor woman who is with him. I do not want to see what they are up to, while they do their shit, I lit up a cigarette and started to remember how i got myself into this shit life. I did not know who my parents were, until I became the age of 10 when I stole the paper from the orphanage office to find out who my parents were. They only had my mother's name Antonella Bruni, and nothing else, not even my father's name or who had he been why I was in an orphanage. After that night, I decided that I will do anything to find my parents, at least my mother. But here I am on a rooftop after 13 years waiting to kill a man and get money for the mission to find my parents. I have been an assassin for 5 years. I killed my first man for a mission when I was 13 on my birthday to save the person that I loved. I do not celebrate my birthday it would be fucking weird to celebrate my birthday because it would also mean im celebrating my first kill.

After finishing up my cigarette. I looked through the sniper and saw that the woman was leaving his room. He was now alone and he was walking to his bathroom when I shot him straight through his skull. He dropped dead on the floor. I waited a few more minutes to see if he was alive which is not possible but in order to be perfect at your job nevertheless you need to make sure. After a few minutes I put up my black hood on my head to cover my curly hair, placed the sniper back in its case, covered my mouth and nose, and started going back to the only safe place that I went after the mission.

The case of the sniper was not obvious that there was a gun in the case, it was more of a violin case where people would not be suspicious of the case. Once I got to the shop, Alice was there alone waiting for me since I sent her a message before my mission that I will see her tonight after work. The shop was closed to the customers but it was open for me. Once I got into the shop I dropped my stuff on the chair and told Alice to get my tattoo ready while I took a shower in the back of the shop.

"Are you okay Scarlet? You got the job done?" Alice asked me while I was taking a shower.

"Yes, the job is done i just need to tell Trigger that the job is done, so i can get my fucking money." I said while showering.

Alice was the only person in this world that I trusted with my life. She knows everything that I do and how I became the most talked assassin and she never left my side, not even for once.

"What happened with your parents? Did you find out anything?" Alice asked, voice cracking a bit. She knew I hated talking about that topic after a mission but she still asked.

"No." I said my teeth were gritting.

I have been looking for them after i got my money for a mission, spending thousands of money to find them, but nothing. It's like they disappeared from the earth itself. After I took my shower and got dressed in a sports bra and shorts, I sat at the chair to get my tattoo done.

Alice asked again, "Text Trigger and get that shit done already." She said her voice low, like she was scared someone would hear us talking about Trigger, and expose me.

"Yea, i will text now." I told her.

Scar: the job is done

I texted Trigger, while Alice started tattooing me on my belly. I have tattoos in places where it won't be visible to people, it was safer no one would know that I was Scar. The one that i'm doing right now is a heart with thorns wrapped around the outside of the heart, with a writing inside the heart that says "love me"

"Are we going home after this or do you want to stay at the shop?" Alice asked. Me and Alice share a house together, for a few years now, before I became an assassin we were living in a small apartment. Once she became a tattoo artist and I became an assassin. We bought a house big enough for thirty people. But I usually stayed at the shop when I felt down or dirty after a mission.

"No, I wanna go home. We can smoke together in the backyard." I answered. We smoked together a lot while we were home. She's like a sister to me.

"That's a cool idea!" She said already getting excited to get high.

"What happened with - what was the guy's name?" I asked, actually not remembering what his name was.

"Oh my god! Whatever you don't need to remember his name, it was a one night stand." She was laughing while saying it, and I started to laugh with her. This girl never had a boyfriend or a serious relationship.

I said while laughing "that's why I never keep in mind what their names are" Alice laughed at my comment knowing that it's true.

She was almost done with my tattoo thank god we can get the fuck out of here. I was tired and I wanted to go home, get high and sleep. My phone buzzed, and I saw a text from Trigger.

Trigger: money deposited.

I got another message, 100k was transferred to your account.

"Alice, we got the money." She finished applying the last few things and She was smiling at me.

"Your tattoo looks so fucking good." She was smiling while saying it, it was obvious that she was proud of the job that she did.

We got home, we smoked weed and we were talking while sitting on the couch. After a while, Alice said, "Let's go clubbing tomorrow."

"If you remember, I work at a club already." I said.

"Yes, I know, for once let's go a day where you are not a bartender but actually enjoying the club." With an annoyed face.

I thought about what she said, and its been fucking long time that i enjoyed myself.

"We'll go tomorrow." I said. She got excited and she was basically dancing in the middle of the house on the couch. Yea, she was definitely high as fuck. I was laughing and then my phone buzzed.

Trigger: Tomorrow at 8, come to Crave.

Who does he think he is wanting to meet me, when no one knows who Scar was. Delusional bastard.

I told Alice about the text that I got from Trigger. She was very confused but so was I. The bastard wanted to meet me, but we were so high that I didn't even answer Trigger. We got up and went to bed to sleep. Now i was curious who this fucker was wanting to meet me. I was thinking about Trigger, I did not want to piss him off, even though I was the most talked assassin, I could not cross Trigger. He was my boss and he was the one giving me missions and not to even mention money. Once I don't get money from missions, it means I cannot find my parents either. Which pissed off Trigger was not on my to-do list. And then I fell asleep.


What did you guys think so far? Who does Trigger think he is asking Scarlet her identity.

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