Chapter 16: Chaos

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Love, Love, Love this chapter. let me know in the comments what you guys thinkk!!

Enjoy the chapter! 


Scarlet's Pov

Please not again, I never cared if anyone stayed or not, hell, I never wanted anyone to stay before. But Xaden was different, I never felt the need for anyone to stay in my life after sex as much as I needed Xaden to stay. He looked at me and said "I was not leaving, I just wanted to clean the living room, in case any unexpected guests come." Oh thank God he was not leaving, but who was going to come? Oh shit what the fuck happened with Nico? I checked my phone and there was not even a single message about him. Right, that's because Declan enables his messages or texts.

Oh shit! I got up from my bed and said "Xaden, you need to leave right now!" Dante was supposed to come later on after my date, because he had information to give me about Enzo and he said he cannot tell me on the phone so he needed to come.

Xaden was looking at me confused "What the fuck? You were the one who didn't want me to live, you were the one who gave me attitude for days because I left. For the first time I want to stay after sex and you're kicking me out? Are you kidding me?" He chuckled but it was not a good chuckle it was a chuckle that meant he was getting pissed. Shit! He needed to get out now before chaos started.

"Xaden, I really don't want you to leave either, my plan was not seeing you here and fucking you. Please just leave." I said to him begging at this point. He cannot see Dante or he will think I am snitching on him to the police because that fucker always is with uniform, and that would make things very fucking complicated. Fucking hell, how do I always get myself into shit. I was so fucking horney that I did not even remember that Dante was supposed to come.

Xaden opened his mouth to spit some shit on me when the door started to ring. Fucking hell! Dante was here already, great, fucking great. Xaden now was looking at me and he pointed a finger at me and said "I swear to god, Scarlet, if it's Nico I will rip off his head." and he started rushing downstairs to get the door and I was behind him.

Xaden opened the door and Dante just popped a paper popper in Xaden's face. Ain't no fucking way he just did that. Xaden looked at me and he was fucking furious he grabbed Dante throat and pulled him inside, closing the door with his foot. Suddenly Xaden left his collar "Fucking hell! Are you a police officer?" Xaden said while looking at me.

Chaos just started and I have no idea how I can fix this shit. Where was Alice when I needed her? She should've been here by now.

"Scarlet, who is he?" Dante asked, looking at me. Dante didn't tackle Xaden because he knows better than that, he knows what I do so he wouldn't do anything like a police would do.

"Fucking hell!" I looked at Xaden and said "Yes, he is a police officer. He was here because we know each other, he covers up my assassin work in case someone gets a lead on me, which only happened 2-3 times before I was under you." Xaden was just pacing around and shaking his head.

"Are you the one snitching on me, Scarlet? Fucking hell! How did I not see it from the beginning!" Xaden now was yelling at himself or me, I have no idea.

"I am not snitching on you. I don't fucking snitch on the people that I sleep with." I yell back, he cannot really accuse me right now for snitching man.

"Wait, what? You're sleeping with Xaden Bertelli?" Dante was looking amused and he was fucking enjoying this.

I looked at him and said "Yes, now can you tell him that I am not fucking snitching on you? And that you are here because we know each other since we were kids for fuck's sake?" I was already tired. I just had sex with Xaden, I really didn't have the energy to make anyone listen.

Before Dante can confirm Xaden started talking "Then why the fuck is he here at this hour, when you were just trying to kick me out of your house after we just had sex?" With that Dante started looking around the room and saw my dress and panties and Xaden's stuff on the floor. Great, I will never hear the end of this from Dante. There was another knock on the door. Great! Who was supposed to come?

I opened the door, Alice, Liam, and Declan came rushing inside. As if the chaos was not enough they joined too. Xaden just looked at them and said "Didn't I say don't fucking come I will sleep with Scarlet tonight?" he was pissed and they sensed that.

"Wait, what? You told them you were going to sleep with me?" I yelled at Xaden but no one was looking at me or listening to me accept Alice, where the fuck did Dante go?

Liam answered saying to Xaden "Don, Alice insisted on coming home we couldn't convince her." Then Xaden said "Why the fuck did you come if Alice insisted?" Now he was talking with Declan. "Don, Liam didn't want to come alone because he knew you would chop off his dick."

"So y'all want me to chop off both of your dicks?" With a swift Xaden took out his pocket knife and opened it. A clear fucking threat that he would do it. Before I was going to answer, the microwave started beeping and there was a smell of - a smell of popcorn? Did Xaden put popcorn in the microwave? But the Dante came out of the kitchen with popcorn in his fucking hand and said "Shit! Guys please continue, I just made my popcorn for this drama."

"You can't be fucking serious man." I said and then I took the knife from Xaden's hand and placed it in my pocket. "Everyone fucking clam down. Xaden, Dante just came because we were supposed to hang out tonight, me, Alice and Dante, but I forgot and that's why he's here. Declan and Liam no one is chopping off anyone's dick, y'all will need it for the future. Alice, what the fuck man? Why didn't you tell me that you were not going to come home?" fuck that was a lot of talking.

Before Alice could answer me Dante said "I would've tapped that ass, Scarlet. Ordering people around, explaining shit? Hot as fuck." Xaden just rushed to Dante and punished him in the face. Liam and Declan did not even do anything they were just watching.

"Don't fucking say shit like that. Do you understand me? She's fucking mine." he hissed at Dante. I'm what? As Dante was going to say something I yelled "Enough! You guys are being fucking childish. Everyone leave the fucking house. NOW." the only person who moved was Dante, but hell he came here for a reason he cannot leave, the guys were supposed to get the fuck out of here.

"Not you, Dante. Xaden will take his friends and leave." I couldn't look at Xaden, I was looking at Alice and she was just confused. I didn't get the chance to tell Alice why Dante was here because she was never home and when I was seeing her we were never fucking alone.

"I am not fucking leaving nor will my friends. I just fucked you and I will stay the night with you." Xaden said. He fucked me? Really? He wanted to use that word now?

"You cannot say things like that, Xad- Don." Alice corrected her saying. He wanted to tell everyone that he fucked me? Fine, but not like that for fucks sake.

I was so frustrated that I told him "Fuck you!" and went up to my room. I swear whenever we have sex we were always fucking arguing. This was going to be like that until everything was going to settle down. When we were back to square one, I was searching for my parents, and I have a lead now, and Xaden was still looking for that girl. That fact is burning my insides, because no matter what he called me in front of Dante, once that girl came back to his life, he was going to leave me.


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