Chapter 3: Who is she?

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Xaden's Pov 

Few hours before the shooting at the Crave...

I was searching for two girls my whole life since I became the leader of the Italian Mafia. I did not inherit the Mafia from my father or family, I was an orphan. I created my own Mafia after I escaped the orphanage with my brother Liam. He was not my actual brother, but we did grow up in the orphanage together, with two girls along our side. They were supposed to escape with us, but that night something happened, until today I do not know what happened that that me and Liam could not find where they were, so we escaped together giving a promise to ourselves that we will find them one day. Now, you see I was searching for these two girls, but nothing was coming up, they must have changed their names or we simply didn't know their real names. My information on them was limited as fuck, which was rare because I was ruling the city I got every information that I needed, but it was like they disappeared from the earth.

She was the love of my life, even though I was young I loved her more than anything and so did she. Even though Liam never admitted that he loved her friend it was very obvious to me that he did but he never had the chance to tell her, me neither I didn't get the chance to tell her how much I love her. And maybe it's too late now. At the age of 14 me and Liam planned to escape from the orphanage but not for us but for the girls, and for every kid who was suffering in that orphanage. So we made a plan to escape but we couldn't find them that night. We got the kids out with us and we set the whole orphanage on fire. I don't even know if they survived or not but I hope they did. Those kids are now in my Mafia working with me, they are the reason we became this far, we became the most feared men in Italy. I have never disrespected my loyal men, in my Mafia respect and loyalty was something that we lived by. Disrespect me or my men, you're dead.

I got a message from one of my men, saying Scar was giving all of the assassination money to find her or his parents. Now, in order to hide my identity I always went by Trigger, so I have no idea who Scar is, but if there is even a small chance that Scar was a woman and she was the girl I was looking for I was more than ready to do anything to get her back. So I texted Scar to meet but I didn't get a response if Scar was going to show up at Crave tonight. Scar was my personal assassin and good at it, there was not a single mission that I gave and it was not done the other day. Scar was very good at the job and I paid well, it was a win-win for both of us. I did not care who Scar was until I got the update on Scar, and now I was curious.

I was the most feared man in Italy, everyone knew me and no one dared to cross my path, no matter what. I was not merciful, I did not care what people said or when they begged me to spare their life. That was not something I did, I was not shown mercy on the streets, and I did not show mercy to people either.

Back to the present...

My club just got shooted down. I was so focused on killing the men that I didn't even realize that the woman who was with me escaped. Fuck! I will take care of that later. My men surrounded me and I was shooting down, when I saw she was on her knees beside one of my men, no not of my men, that was Liam protecting a girl. And she was talking to that girl. I got distracted and started to shoot those men again. Once I looked back at the girl, she was not there anymore, but she was running to the VIP section. Fuck! Was she here to kill me this whole time? And I played right into her trap. While I was saying that a bullet grazed my arm, I tried to move away and I realized that the girl did not come. Instantly I called my security in the camera room.

"Find me the girl who I was with. Now! She was running to the VIP section." I yelled at him. Fuck! This was getting out of hand. He said yes, Don and a few seconds later he said "Don, she is right up a floor from you and she has a gun. She's killing the men who were here to kill you." what the actual fuck was happening?

"Get me informaion on who the fuck she is! RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" I was yelling. Who is she?

"Don, nothing came up. Just her name and that she works in our Club as a bartender part-time. Her name is Scarlet Bruni." He told me without breaking his voice.

"Bring her to me NOW! With the girl that Liam is protecting." and I hung up no more talking was needed. I got down to get Liam and the girl, but then there was only one man standing in front of me. As I was about to kill the man, Scarlet started running with her friend. I killed the man and yelled at my men "Bring both of them to me."

Both of my men started running to catch them. I went back up to the VIP section that I was in, and called Declan, one of my best friends and he was taking care of hacking and the camera system in all of my places. I trust him with something and he gets it done right away. The fucking best. "Heyyy Xaden." he said excitedly. This fucker is always excited about some shit man.

"Scarlet Bruni, get me her file in few minutes you fucker." I said, getting impatient. I was getting pissed at this moment and it was not good. Declan was still on the phone with me when I saw my men bring both of the women up to the VIP section.

"Don, there is nothing on her. Except for the fact that she works part time in your club as a bartender. It's like she's a ghost or she was never alive." Declan said, voice low, like he was ashamed that he did not find anything on her. For fucks sake is one more person said she works at my club I will shoot someone. "But from the camera system I traced down the girl that she was with, her name is Alice, and she owns a tattoo shop." he said.

"Send me the address of the shop." I said and I hung up. Fuck why is there nothing on her?

Now, she was standing in front of me with Alice crying. So, she's the badass woman who was taking care of them both. Hot.

I got up from my seat and said, "Scarlet Bruni, who the fuck are you?" We became the most feared Mafia by killing people and getting everything we wanted. We became this far, people in the streets cannot look me in the eye without having fear that maybe I will kill them. Yet, this woman was looking directly in my eyes and there was no sign of fear in those eyes. Hot, she's making my pants feel like it's one size smaller.

"Let her go. Me and you, we'll talk." she said, there was no fear in her eyes. Goddamn if that was not making me more horny right now.

"She's a good reason for you to talk. Why let her go?" I said, grinning at her. I saw anger in her eyes, good I was getting on her nerves.

"What do you want?" she said. Good, it means she was listening and I managed to get on her nerves.

As I was about to speak, my phone buzzed. I saw the caller ID and it was Declan, but I didn't answer. He sent me a text that got my attention.

Declan: Don, it's an important update about her, I cannot say it over text.

Right at that moment I called back Declan, Scarlet was now assuring Alice without speaking, she was holding her hand since they came to the VIP section. Cute. "Speak." I said.

"Don, while she was beside Alice on the ground Alice told her that 'Scar' and then she fixed to Scarlet, and Scarlet was not amused when she heard Alice calling her Scar." he said, now this is a good update. She might be the girl that I am looking for or someone who is afraid of Scar, doesn't matter if she was Scar then we needed to talk, if she knew Scar, well she was going to tell me who Scar was. To think, I've never seen a woman assassin. I doubt she was an assassin, but again she killed 4 men without batting an eye. I hung up the call.

"Scar, let's talk me and you privately." I said smiling, she didn't react to the name Scar in any way, no fear or knowing nothing, like she didn't know who Scar was. Meaning, she definitely knew something. I said while looking at Liam, "Liam take Alice with you until I give you a different order." I said to Liam, and I saw Scarlet getting worried about Alice. Little does she know Liam would never hurt the woman that he was protecting with his life.


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