Chapter 8: Sexual tension

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There will be a lot of sexual tension in this chapter get ready for the upcoming chapters... if you guys know what I mean😉😉

Scarlet's Pov 

Xaden grabbing my throat roughly turned me on more than I wanted it to. I kissed him back, we were kissing so passionately that someone would think we were in love. While kissing me, he tried to slide his tongue in my mouth and I gave him access to kiss me more, to kiss me harder. I felt the need to touch him, so with one hand I started grabbing his hair roughly when I felt his fingers trailing down to my breasts, then to my belly, the lower and lower, until he got to my clit. I was still in pants, but I felt him trying to remove my pants so he could have more, to taste more. And I let him, the adrenaline was so high that I would probably hate this in the morning but I was so horny right now that I didn't care what was going to happen. When he tried to remove my pants, I also saw that he was hard, and fucking hell if he was not the biggest that I have ever seen, with my free hand, I touched his crotch. Fucking hell! I wanted to eat him right at that moment and swallow his seed. He tried to move my hand and I signed in pain. He stopped and looked at me, like he realized what we were doing. "Shit! I am sorry I shouldn't have done that." he said, his lips were swallowed and now he started to look at me. I traced where his eyes landed and they were on my tattoos, when he trailed his finger on my newly done tattoo, the one with a heart that says 'love me'. He then kissed my tattoo. Oh God! What is he trying to do to me?

"Xaden, please." I was panting now. But for what? What was I begging for exactly? I don't even know at this point.

"Please what, love?" he said, smirking, and having that dominating voice that I was starting to like. We shouldn't be doing this, not now, he still doesn't even know me for fucks sake.

"Please, my arm hurts. Can you help me with that?" I said, trying not to smile, because now he had a face that he wanted to kill me. I was playing with fire, but I was also hurting.

"Right, I will take care of the wound now." he said, trying to keep his focus on my arm and not on my breasts. While he was cleaning my wound and trying to wrap my arm, I wanted to touch his hair. As much as I wanted to do that, I couldn't because we had some serious issues to discuss with Xaden, and god knows how that will end. After he wrapped my arm, he said he would be waiting for me outside where Liam and Alice were. I tried to just add a sports bra and went outside to meet them, when I saw Xaden was in front of the bathroom door. "Why are you here?" I was confused.

"Because Liam and Alice were fighting and I didn't want to interfere in their business." he answered. What? They were fighting? I started to walk after taking out my dagger again from my boot, and going straight to Liam's throat.

"Step the fuck back." I said lowering my voice. Well, Liam was taller than me, like a lot taller than me, but I was still able to keep my dagger on his throat. There was no fear in his eyes, none. But to save Alice I would slit his throat without thinking.

Looking at Alice she was mentioning to me that it was okay, she was okay. I kind of know why they were fighting about it, but I would not let Liam waste Alice for his sick pleasures. Not on my watch. I killed someone for her. I will do it again gladly.

"If you look at her the wrong way. I will kill you with my own bare fucking hands, and I will enjoy every second of it." I threatened Liam. He was sweet, yes, but so god help me if he ever lays a finger on her. I would chop off his dick.

"If you are done causing drama, Scarlet let's talk." Xaden said, and I did not miss how he was looking at me. Sextual tension was high, for fucks sake. Maybe after our talk we should fuck.

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