Chapter 10: Warning Two

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Enjoy the chapter guys!!

Scarlet's Pov

This is dangerous. This is very dangerous. Xaden wanting to get to know me, me getting involved with the Mafia, getting between the bad blood that Xaden had with a different Mafia. Yea, no this is not my cup of tea. Plus I don't even know why I told him to not call me Scar, It's not like no one before called me Scar. But it felt nice when he cupped my face and it felt nice having someone to look out for me when all my life I have been looking out for myself. I took care of myself when I got sick, I took care of myself when I had zero money, I took care of Alice because she was younger than me. I was always the lone wolf. So when he called me Scar, in that moment, I didn't want to be seen or called as the monster that everyone saw. I just wanted to be Scarlet, the woman that I was supposed to be if everything went smooth from the beginning, no killing, no violence, just a woman who was normal. But it didn't happen, and it looks like being normal was not an option for me now, I don't even know if I want that anymore, being normal felt too boring, and the killing became part of me. Which it is fucked up in so many ways possible.

"Usually people get to know each other when they go out on dates. We are preparing a gun shipment for fucks sake, Xaden, your definition of getting to know me and mine are not the same fucking thing." I really was trying to avoid opening up to him. I have never opened up to someone before, not even Alice, because she already knows everything about. So in general opening up was a big no for me.

"Are you trying to tell me you want me to take you out, tesoro?" and now his eyes were sparkling with - with lust. Oh, he did want to take me out on a date. I knew that for sure, but do I want that? That was the first thing that came to my mind to say not actually because I wanted to go out on a date. Fucking hell, I never dated anyone in my life, I just got laid. Fucked is more approirate word for laid, I haven't even made love. Which that is also another level of fucked up.

"No, I am just trying to remind you that we have a job to do, that's why I am here. Not to get to know each other, but to get the job done before your head also comes as a gift to me on my doorstep." Somehow, that made me want to throw up. I didn't even want to think about his head at my doorstep, which is another reason for me to be scared to get too close to him.

"Fine, I will take you out on a date soon, amore. Let's just finish this bullshit, and I promise I will take you out." he said amused, like I didn't just reject his ass, he still promised me that he will take me out on a date. He seemed more excited to take me out on a date than I was. I was not excited. I was shitting in my pants, people like Xaden who were leaders in the mafia, they did not do lovey dovey shits, they didn't even know how to love, which I didn't know either, but at least I was not a mafia princess or a leader. Then Liam entered the place looking at us. Xaden was cupping my face and I was holding his hands. Great. Then Xaden just dropped his hands on his sides and looked at Liam.

"Are you guys trying to work or fuck? Because there is more than 2000 guns that needs to get to Nico by the end of today for fucks sake. I brought the guns and they are all still in the same place." Liam said, already looking tired, he was moving guns from the other truck to the place where we were and we didn't even move one organized box. Great it was going to be a long fucking day. Well, at least I was getting 60% of the profit, that was good enough for me.

Xaden started working on his box and I also started working on mine. We should be done in few hours, but still it was tiring because we also needed to check if the guns were good or they were fucking with Xaden again. So it was definitely taking our sweet time. Then Xaden asked "How did you become an assassin, Scarlet." I know what he was trying to do, he wanted to get to know me again. I didn't answer, I didn't want to answer.

"When I ask you a question I want to get a fucking response." His voice sent chills down my spine. He was very serious, his Don side just came out, and I really didn't want to piss him off even more. I've heard enough stories about his brutal killings that I didn't want to get on his bad side, because now I know I would not be able to kill him, I was starting to feel something towards him. But I also didn't want to answer that question.

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