Chapter 20: Scared

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Hello guys, I am sorry I did not get the chance to update on time, I have been dealing with some personal matters. I did not have the chance to update but I am back on track and you guys should get updates every Tuesday like before. 

Enjoy the chapter and leave comments!!


Scarlet's Pov

An hour earlier...

I knew what Xaden wanted me to do, he wanted me to kill anyone who got in his way. I did mean what I said, his life was our priority because even if I protested he was my Don and I was under him. In our world it does not matter that I was his kinda girlfriend or whatever, I needed to show him respect when we were talking about business because he never gave me permission to call him by his name. Which that does not bother me, I know when we are talking business it's business and our love life is a completely different thing. As I left to break into the front building, I saw that there was a stair that was probably leading to one of the rooftops. This looks way too easy than I like to admit. I tried looking around again to see if there were any loophole but there was nothing that I was being suspicious about, maybe for once my job is getting fucking easier.

I trusted my gut feelings and I did not go from the staircase because that was too easy for me and there could be a fucking trap. I took out a bobby pin and some tools from my violin case and started picking the lock to break in. Once the lock was open, I got inside and went to the rooftop. There was no one here, but I guess that's fine because there were no cars outside anyways. I got to the rooftop and opened my violin case to take out my sniper and prepare for the shooting. There was only one guy Xaden said, so I know they can take care of a guy, I just wanted to help though. I placed my sniper on the side of the rooftop and looked through the small opening. I could not see everything clearly because I needed to move my sniper, but currently I was seeing the guys back and Xaden. After a few minutes I saw that they started causing chaos, but what shocked me the most was that there was not one guy, they were five guys trying to kill Xaden and Liam.

Fucking hell, I concentrated to kill as I was about to pull the trigger, I heard footsteps. I let the sniper go and I saw there were four guys waiting for me in front of the rooftop door. Great, look at the fucking odds, four against one. I needed to help Xaden, but I don't think I would be much of a help if I don't take care of these four and instead they take care of me. I took out my two daggers from my boots and one of them said "We are not here to kill you, but we just cannot let you kill our men."

So they were fucking here to distract me from helping Xaden. I will not speak because they probably cannot see me, so they can't know who I am. I didn't give a fuck who send them, I needed to kill them so I can help Xaden. Instead of answering, I raised my daggers. I was going to throw a dagger but I cannot lose my daggers, I needed control as much as I could get.

I started running towards them and cut through both of their legs, the rest of the started to throw punched in my face, fucking hell that was going to bruise. I punched one of them in the face and kicked the second one with my leg and slit through his throat. One down three more to go and I was already feeling pain in my fucking cheek. As I moved again on the two that I cut on their legs, tried to kill them but one of them punched me and I felt my nose bleeding fucking hell. I was beyond frustrated now, my fucking nose was perfect, if they broke it I will fucking kill them. No, scratch that, I will kill them even if it's not broken.

At this point I threw a dagger at him and it got right on his heart, but of course my daggers are small that won't do shit, but once he looked at his chest, I took out the dagger and slit his throat. Two down, two more. I looked at the man and he started smiling, I didn't realize what the fuck was happening when suddenly he grabbed my hands and forced my back on his chest. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

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