Chapter 22: Murderer

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I know, I know I have not been able to be active a lot because currently I am dealing with family problems. 

But... I am writing more chapters and you guys will like themm

Anyways, Enjoy the chapter!😚


Xaden's Pov

Fuck, I have never felt like this before. I asked Scarlet a question that I didn't even know if I was ready to hear. She killed Alice's father and I can see it in her eyes that she was ashamed for telling me, opening up to me. But I was glad that she had the guts to tell me about her past to me, this is just a small step to our future together. I had so many questions that I wanted to ask her, but I knew that it might be a lot for her to answer all of these in a day, specially after a long fucking night, so I did not ask her anything. I wanted to ask her how they ended up in that situation? How did she get the chance to kill Alice's father? Why does Alice not hate her? How did she meet Alice? I guess all of these questions had to wait, because I would be an asshole if I did not realize how uncomfortable and tense she was in my hands.

"Scarlet, I have so many questions that I want to ask, but not now, love." I told her, because I saw that she was struggling to tell me more and she wanted to tell me more, but not now.

"I want to tell you everything, Xaden. Please ask me anything. I am scared that if you don't ask now I will not be able to tell you about my past again." She whispered in my ear, she was breathing in my scent, her head was on my neck and I could feel how tense she was. She was wrong though, she will be able to tell me, because once she was able to open up, now would be much easier for her to open up more. I felt the need to tell her about my past too, I wanted her to know everything but I think talking about our pasts and our trauma in one day was too much for both of us. The hot water was pouring down on us and I tried making small circles on her back so she would at least feel a bit better.

"No, Scarlet. Once you open up, baby, it will be much easier for you to trust me. I just want us to sleep, let's go." I told her, and I did not wait for a response when I carried her out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around her and around me. We got into her room and changed, and now we were laying in her bed. Scarlet's house became my second home, though it should always be the other way around. She should stay at mine but I felt like her place was for our relationship and my place was for business.

We were laying in bed when I noticed her moving closer to me. She placed her head on my chest and without even saying anything else she drifted off to sleep. Her breathing became more steady and her facial expression was much more relaxed. I kept looking at her, admiring her beauty. I thought about what she told me in the shower, she killed someone when she was 13 years old - no not someone, Alice's father. I needed to talk with Liam to see where his head was, or if he knew anything about it.

Without trying to move a lot I reached for my phone and sent a text to Liam.

Xaden: If you are awake, we need to talk. Scarlet just opened up to me and I need to know what you know about this situation.

I did not get a message back, I placed my phone again on the counter. It was impossible for me to sleep tonight. I had this urge to kill that motherfucker again just for touching what was mine and giving her a big fucking scar on her beautiful face. I did not want Scarlet to hide anything from me anymore, not her scars, not her past, nothing. I realized what she said again when she said that motherfucker told her it would suit her name. Which I am starting to think that Scarlet gave her assassin name after that fucker. I will not lie, that scar made her look sexy as fuck, I might be fucked up in the head, but that scar suited her. I cannot imagine what she went through after with that scar but it suited her personality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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