Chapter 9: Enemies

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Xaden's Pov

I woke up to banging door, what the fuck is happening again. I said come in, Liam and Declan came into view.

"Don, we have a problem." Liam said, Declan was avoiding me. Oh so, it wasn't good if he was avoiding me.

"Talk, what the fuck happened." I said, getting impatient. Now Declan started talking "What do you want to hear, the bad news or the bad news?" I threw him a look that said if he will not talk I will kill him. On top of all this shit he was joking for fuck's sake. And he said "Well, our gun shipment was tracked down and it was blown down, which the guns didn't get to their place, and Nico is pissed he wants his guns by the end of today-"

"What the fuck? What do you mean it was blown down? We can't get his guns today the fuck?" I am really starting to get fucking angry. Liam was just pacing around in my room, and Declan was looking at me. "Talk, asshole." Being serious because this is no shit to play around with, we had a big fucking problem.

"Well, forget about the guns now. The person who blew up the guns also sent a package today. Box with red ribbon on top, so I opened the box. There was one of our men's heads in the box and on his forehead there was a pinned printed note. That said Stay away from my daughter, this is only a warning. Do not fucking cross me. It's not a threat, it's a promise, Xaden." Declan explained in one breath. Who the fuck is this man and who the fuck is his daughter. I don't fuck around with Mafia or gang leaders daughters. That's a line that I won't even cross.

"Who the fuck is he? And who the fuck is he talking about? Find me who sent this message, Declan. Or so god help me I will burn down Italy myself." I am beyond pissed. First he blew up my fucking shipment, then he send me a fucking head of my men? I punched my bedroom's wall, my knuckles started to bleed. Fucking hell! But if that person knew when and where the shipment were happening, it means "There is a fucking rat in the Mafia." We all said it at the same time, because the look on Liam's and Declan's face was suggesting that they just realized it as well. Fucking great, not that I just have a problem with Nico's shipment, I also have a problem with a man that I don't even fucking know, and a rat to find. Fucking great.

"Declan hack everyone's phone I want to fucking know who the rat is ASAP. Am I fucking clear? Liam, we need to prepare a shipment to Nico as soon as possible as well." I ordered them, Declan nodded his head and just dismissed himself. Liam on the other hand was thinking something I can feel it.

"We will prepare the shipment, Don. But don't you think it's better if we can get people that we trust? Right now we don't know who we can trust and who cannot. I think you know who the safe choices are right now." Liam said a few minutes later. He was right we could not trust someone right now especially when we didn't even know who the rat was. But I did not like one bit of what he was suggesting. I would get my dick chopped if I asked that. Fucking hell, but Liam was right, now the only safe choice was them. I am definitely getting my dick chopped tonight.

"Fine, let's get going then." I said to Liam and he started walking towards me and getting to one of our cars.


"No, no fucking way. I did not agree to this." Scarlet was saying.

Great, I was trying to convince her for an hour to help me prepare this gun shipment and that I would give her the 60% of the profit that I was making and this bitch was just rejecting my offer. Great. "Scarlet, if I did not need your help I would've not asked you for this favor. Come on, we agreed that we were partners, no amore?" I am really trying my best to stay calm and convince her, but if she doesn't want to I will force her at this point. Alice was with a customer, so it was only me, Liam and Scar.

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