Chapter 5: Hello, tesoro.

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Xaden's Pov 

I usually do not go to my club, Liam is always there supervising our club. Liam was my second in command and Declan was third in command. Liam was always at the club, Declan was always at our mension supervising the cameras and doing whatever hacking shit he was doing, and I was always in my office dealing with gun shipments and drug shipments. However, I will go to the club today with Liam and Declan. I had some business to do at the club, plus I needed to keep an eye on Scar. Stubborn girl, if she could have just told me who Scar was, I might have been able to find her. But again, Scar might not even be the woman that I was searching for, but if there was even a small chance that Scar was her I would do anything to get her back.

I remember how much she wanted to find her parents, but she never had the chance to find them. All of the kids in the orphanage kind of knew what happened to their parents or they found them after we created the Mafia. But, she never knew who her parents were. So, now Scar is also looking for her or his parents, so there might be a chance she survived and now someone in the universe sent her to me as my personal assassin. Fucking hell I needed a drink man. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said.

Liam entered the office with Declan, they were looking like they hadn't slept last night. "What the fuck happened to you both?" I was concerned. Did something happen that I was not aware of?

"Liam came last night begging me to find Alice's shop address which I have already done but I didn't give him. Because he was being annoying and I wanted to annoy him too." Declan answered. I swear they look like two childs who were there to complain to their parents. It's like we didn't have anything more important; they were bugging me with their love lives.

"And? Get to the fucking point Declan." I said, getting impatient. I swear they were always acting like two fucking kids. If someone saw them at our mension they would not fear these two assholes. But in the streets, they were not like this, maybe I should give them mission to get the fuck out of here.

"Is it fine with you X? If I talk with Scarlet tonight to give me her address, as in I want to get a tattoo and I want to go to Alice's tattoo artist? Like I don't already know that she is a tattoo artist. So, I don't look like a stacker?" Liam mumbled, he was nervous. Which means, for the first time after our orphanage love, he likes Alice. But if Scar was Scarlet things would get out of hand.

"Fucking hell man, stop mumbling shit." Declan said. That asshole cannot keep his mouth shut. Now Liam had a look that he wanted to kill Declan and bury him where people would not even be able to find his corpse.

"I don't mind Liam, you know I never interfere with your love life." I said, he let out a breath. "But, keep in mind if Scarlet is Scar, then we might have a problem." I said, reminding him of the threat that was at stake.

"I understand Don, and I will do what is necessary when things get to that point." Liam said. He was not happy saying that, but he knew better than putting our Mafia at risk. I would of course never want Liam or Declan to be in any situation that would make them sad, they deserved the world, but if a choice came to choose between women or Mafia, there was no need for thinking, the answer was obvious. We worked hard to get where we are right now, we couldn't throw away all of the hard work for women.

"Liam, Declan, I need you guys at the club today." I told them, Liam and Declan nodded their heads. "I will also be there tonight. By the looks of it I will always be there starting from tonight." I told them while I lit up a cigarette. "Declan, you will take care of the cameras, I want you to be my eyes every night that Scarlet is working, report back to me anything that you see that is specious." I gave Declan's order. "Yes, Don." he said.

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