Chapter 19: Violence

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Xaden's Pov

I looked around to see if Scarlet had left any notice that she was there watching me but there was nothing. Fuck I hope she was okay. Liam was with me, but right now it was two against five and I was sure as hell these five were child's play. The only question that I had was, how the fuck did they tie Garick and Alessandro? Liam was giving a dirty look to Alessandro, did they have bad blood that I was not aware of? Anyways whatever, I looked at the middle guy who was sitting in one of the middle booths that I had.

"To what do I owe this pleasure, boys?" I asked with a smile on my face. One of them got up from his seat and came towards me. Liam took out his gun from his waistband but I just dismissed him with my hand, just to make the guys think that we couldn't kill them. Fucking assholes, we were not feared because of our names, we were feared because people knew what we were capabale of doing.

"I am here to send a third warning from Enzo. Stay the fuck away from his daughter, oh wait, but he already told you that no? But you never listen and take him as a joke. I have a surprise for you though," He said and placed his hands on his pockets, instantly Liam raised his gun again, but what the fucker pulled out was three bullets and said again "Don, send these three bullets with me. The names are engraved in your names, Liam, Declan and Xaden. Well, I guess now the only thing is left if to kill you fuckers. Though we will enjoy killing Declan alone."

"And how do you think you are going to do that? You think you can come in my fucking club and kill the most powerful Don in Italy?" I told him, I was trying to gain us time for Scarlet to get on the fucking rooftop so we could have a bit more advantage. Of course we could kill these fuckers, but I would rather if it was in a quick way rather than fucking playing with blood.

"You are saying that because you have never met Enzo. He would do anything to save his daughter, he couldn't save her before but now after a long time when he found her and he has the chance and he will do anything to save her. If you are wondering why I am telling you all of this, it is because we will kill you anyways so you won't do or say shit." he said and he started laughing looking at his friends. Bunch of fucking kids who have no idea what being in a mafia actually is. I looked at Garick and mentioned the cameras, he just shook his head, which means he did not see Declan getting in the club. Fucking hell, everything was going bad, Declan was not here, I have no idea where Scarlet was. Then I understood what he said, Enzo didn't have the chance to save his daughter before, but he found her later. Shit what the fuck does that even mean? It doesn't matter now, because Declan betrayed us again.

"Okay boys, let's see what you got." I told them, because I fucking hated long histories of people that I could care less. When he looked at me, the rest of the 4 men got up and started running towards me. Two of the guys ran towards Liam and the rest of the three guys started running towards me. I ducked one of them and took off my jack and wrapped it around his neck and started choking him while I tried kicking one of them with one leg.

Once the guy in my hand started struggling and felt him losing consciousness in my hands I threw him on the floor and threw out a knife from my boots. I did not have time to kill him because the rest were coming on me. Two of them again started running towards me. I wanted to draw some blood today, I was fucking craving some blood, fuck what I said before, now I wanted to draw their fucking blood and I won't even care if I was covered in their bloods. Fuck the only thing that kept playing in my mind was Scarlet. Where the fuck was she? She should already kill fucking people and not just stay at the rooftop for fucks sake. I trusted her and now she was not even lifting her finger to kill for me? Shit maybe she got into trouble.

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