Chapter 13: Only my assassin

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Another chapter for you to guys enjoy!!

So far this is my favourite chapter!

Enjoy the early update! 😉


Scarlet's Pov

Very stupid of me, I was so angry at how Xaden left, and with his stupid note, that I agreed with Nico without even thinking about the consequences for it later on. I will have to contact him and make an agreement or I will be saying goodbye to my life. I was not stupid, I saw how Nico was looking at me and how he was talking with me. He was interested, either he was interested of fucking me or he was interested to piss of Xaden, doesn't fucking matter. I was so angry that I wanted to hurt Xaden and I also thought that having an alliance with Xaden's mafia, we will have the upper hand controlling the threats and somehow controlling Enzo, that's why I agreed with Nico.

Now Xaden was looking at me like he wanted to kill me, I just rolled my eyes at him. He doesn't own me for fucks sake, he made that very clear yesterday. "What the fuck were you thinking, Scarlet? Do you know who Nico is?" Xaden got up from his seat and started yelling at me face, meanwhile I was just trying to find my fucking pack.

"I wanted to help, Nico was going to help us, only if he got me. Nico would be a good alliance, especially when he knows more about Enzo than we do. And no, I don't know who Nico is, but I didn't know who you were either. So what's the problem here? I don't understand." I knew what he was asking, he was pissed that I didn't ask him first before agreeing with Nico, technically I am not under him, I am not in his Mafia, nor I answer to him. Even though I was working for him, he didn't really have a say in my decisions. Yes, I know, I was playing with fire, because things don't work like that in the mafia, but again I was not in the mafia.

"Did you fucking ask me if I wanted your help? What the fuck? How can you compare me with Nico?" he was yelling, and he was pissing me off by yelling at me, I will not tolerate that shit. No one, and I mean no one had the balls to yell at me.

So I warned him by saying "Don't fucking yell at me, talk like an mature adult. The only difference that you and Nico have is that you actually fucked me, there nothing different." Fucking hell, where was my pack? I was still searching for the pack and I swear I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my back. Oh, there it is. I got the pack and lit up a cigarette while taking a seat. Yes, his eyes were still burning, but did I give a fuck? No. Did he give a fuck when he left me like I was a fucking whore? No. Oh, that makes us even. I rolled my eyes again. I said the last part to piss him off, but somehow it was true, the only difference was that Xaden slept with me. I was not really mad that he left after we had sex, that was not why I was mad. He said he would take care, look out for me, and the way he was holding me after our sex was obvious that he wasn't going to leave. Surprise, surprise motherfuckers he left.

"Scarlet, you really are testing my patience right now. I'm trying to not get fucking pissed." he said but with a low voice. Good, at least he was listening to me. Alice told me that Liam and Declan knew about yesterday's little accident, so I didn't really care that they were listening to our arguments.

"What do you want me to say, Xaden?" I was really getting bored of this shit, like come on, It's not like he gave a fuck what I was doing. Why does he give a fuck now?

"Scarlet, I swear to God!" he said and started taking deep breaths. Then he said again "Why did you not talk with me first? You could've simply said I will let you know later. Why did you decide without getting my opinion." He said he was calm now, or at least he was trying to be calm.

"Did you ask me when you told him no? No. Did you ask me if it was okay for you to leave at night? No. I don't owe you shit." Maybe I was acting childish but he never asked my opinion either, he was just deciding on my fucking behalf and now he had the guts to tell me maybe I should've asked for his opinion? Fuck him and his opinion.

"You cannot fucking comapare sex with missions. Do you even know what kind of missions he will give you? For fuck's sake." he was pacing around the room, Liam, Declan and Alice were just sitting and looking at each other. Then I heard Declan saying to Alice if he can get a tattoo, since they were going to be here until morning, because we were fighting, and they all started smirking. Fucking assholes.

"Yes, killing people. I have been killing people since I was fucking 13 so spare me this bullshit." Yea, I killed a man when I was 13 to fucking save our asses, and the last time that I checked I was still killing men for money. Why was he getting frustrated this much I have no fucking idea, and the funny thing is, he was pissing me off too with him. When I looked at Xaden, his eyes were softened and he looked like he was searching for his words. Great, now he was pitying me. Then, his expression changed, he was burning again. Was he bipolar or what?

"You're only my assassin, Scarlet." he said with a dominating voice.

I arched my brows and said "Possessive much? For over something that you don't even own, and you can't own?" what the fuck was he thinking only my assassin. Your assassin my ass.

"Can you guys give it a break? We have bigger problems right now than Scarlet being Nico's assassin. Plus, it's not like she hasn't been doing this. She knows who to take care of shit, even if it comes to Nico." Declan said, looking at Xaden. Oh since when did they start tattooing?I heard that he wanted to get one but when did they start? Whatever, I mouthed thank you to Declan and he just winked at me.

Xaden just left the shop, but Liam said "Give him some time, he will be back."

"Oh, I was not going after him. I could care less." I really didn't care if he came back or not, I was getting used to his bullshits. The guys were explaining to me and Alice that Nico was not a bad person, they never had a problem with him, but because his shipments were missing and he was being in trouble he was acting the way he was acting. I could handle men like Nico, it was not something new to me, but Xaden thinking he can have a say in my fucking life, he was wrong. While Alice was tattooing Declan on his lower leg he was searching to see if he could find Enzo's daughter. But Xaden was saying he was not messing around with another girl, if that was true things were not making sense.

"Declan, if Xaden truly is not fucking Enzo's daughter or any girl, why would Enzo do this much damage when he hasn't been in y'all business before?" I was actually curious, because things were not making sense.

"I am not fucking anyone's daughter, and that's exactly what we are trying to find out." Xaden spoke, looks like he came back inside and he was looking calmer.

"I cannot even find a document that states Enzo had a daughter or children at all. So I have no idea what game he is playing. The only concerning thing is, how the fuck is he able to find us? No one knows anything in our mafia, we are keeping it secret in case there is a rat, it's only us who knows everything and we sure as hell are not ratting on ourselves. So who the fuck is giving them information?" Declan concluded our thoughts, things were starting to get out of hand, and it will be out of hand if we can't know Enzo's intentions. Which we are back to square one, it's like we are getting trapped in one place and we cannot move on because no one has any information.

"No offense, but you guys are like the strongest mafia, and you cannot find anything on them?" Now Alice was talking, she said what I was going to say. But it was true, if they were the best, then things shouldn't have gotten this far.

Now that I am thinking over what Declan said, no one knows what we are doing of the threats that Enzo is sending. Enzo is looking for his daughter because Xaden is messing with his daughter without knowing. Which brings me to question: was Enzo my father?


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