Chapter 6: Two jobs at the same time?

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Just a quick note guys, that the first few chapters are focused on world building and getting to know the characters more. So please be patient, there will a lot of romance between few couples. 

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Enjoy the ride ;)

Scarlet's Pov

I had a mission tomorrow, Xaden just gave me a mission to kill someone tomorrow in one hour for 200k. It was a pretty good deal not going to lie. That was going to help me a lot with my parents' case, plus I needed the money too so I texted Alice.

Scarlet: Babe, tomorrow I have a mission at 8, I need to get it done by 9. I will explain at home tonight. Can you please close the shop at 8?

Sister: I will close the shop at 7 just in case if you need to come earlier. Everything okay?

Scarlet: Thank you! Yes, for now.

I left the bathroom and went outside from the back to smoke a cigarette. I had a break and I needed to smoke. I went outside and lit up a cigarette and sat down on the sidewalk, when I saw Liam coming closer to me. What does he want now? Another order that Xaden gave him? Liam sat right next to me on the floor. I extended my cigarette pack, not knowing if he smokes or not but out of habit I asked him. He took a cigarette and I also gave him my lighter. He lit up the cigarette and it was obvious from his face that he was nervous.

"What got up in your ass Liam." I asked, while smoking. He took a drag from his cigarette and said "So, you know yesterday I saw Alice has tattoos and I wanted to ask you if you know who's her tattoo artist. Because I also want to get more tattoos but I want to change my tattoo artist." he was mumbling for fucks sake, he knew I already know that he was aware that Alice has a tattoo shop, and that she was a tattoo artist but he wanted to get my permission? I honestly have no idea what was happening. I have never looked at Liam, he had blonde hair, a lot of sleeve tattoos, with big muscles.

I laughed, and I answered him "Alice is a tattoo artist, and she has done her tattoos by herself. She went to other people for a few of them, yes, but mostly it was her job."

"Oh, that's cool. Is it fine if I can get her shop address?" He asked. I like Liam, but things might get out of hand soon and I did not know if I wanted Alice to get involved with Liam.

"Why not ask Declan?" I answered back, "I'm sure he already knows her address."

"He's an asshole, he wasn't giving me her address, he said I would look like a stalker." Liam answered with a low voice. As if I would judge him. Well, I was, but I also knew they shared something that shooting night so I was fine if they got together I guess.

"Sure, I will give you the address. Be sure to get an appointment before showing up, she hates people who show up without an appointment." I said. It was true she hated that. He nodded his head and then I mocked Xaden, "Use your words, I need words, tesoro." Liam started laughing so much that I started to laugh with him. God, it's been a long time since I laughed with someone other than Alice. It felt good, if we were not in a situation where I might kill them all I would've been friends with Liam, and maybe even Declan. I'm not even thinking about Xaden because I wouldn't want to be friends with him, more like lovers - what the fuck, out with it Scarlet.

I gave him her address, he got up and it's like he almost forgot why he even came here in the first place, he said, "Oh, and Scarlet Don said you have a job here tomorrow from 6 to closing."

Two jobs at the same time? Fucking hell, Xaden was being suspicious that I was Scar, and he was playing very smart. What the fuck was I supposed to do now? If I call in sick, he will know. If I don't show up tomorrow, he will know. Well, If I get the mission done he will also know. Now I was in deep shit. Two jobs at the same time? One was paying fucking good money and technically I never said no to mission, wich would also make me look suspicious now. What am I going to do? I looked at Liam and I said, "Fine, I will be here."

"Oh shit! One more thing, Don wanted you to bring him his whiskey again, and not someone else. Have fun." he said, and with that he went back inside. Xaden wanted to play a game. Fine, with me but hell I was going to lose that game. I texted Alice.

Scarlet: Xaden wanted me to work at the club tomorrow at the same time of the mission. What am I supposed to do now Alice?

She answered a few seconds later.

Sister: Fucking hell Scarlet, go to work now and pretend that you are not okay. Find an excuse to not go tomorrow. Two jobs at the same time is a fucking trap.

Scarlet: Yea, no shit. That was not a bad idea, I will try that.

I went back inside. Got his whiskey and I started walking to the VIP section where he was sitting and so was Liam. I was going to pretend that I was not good so I can get off for tomorrow. Once I got there I knocked on the door. And I heard come in. I went inside and saw Xaden sitting in his usual place, looking at me with hunger. I needed to get laid.

"Here is your drink, Don." I said, while I was going to give him his drink I pretended that I felt dizzy and I fell right into his hands, dropping the whiskey on him. He caught me and made me sit in his place. Xaden was in front of me and Liam was standing up from his seat. Xaden just mentioned Liam to leave us alone. Bingo.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I just felt dizzy." I said while holding my head. Maybe I should've become an actor and not an assassin.

"Scarlet, are you okay?" Xaden asked, worry filled in his voice. I was almost feeling bad that I did something like that. But the key word is almost. He then took my hand and started running circles around the back of my hand. Shit! There was a lot of sexual tension in the air that it was so obvious to both of us. He was really sexy, shit I wanted to move my hand to his hair and make it messy, fuck him in his seat and then fuck him - what am I thinking.

"I'm just feeling a bit dizzy. Would it be possible if I can take tomorrow off? Liam told me that I do have a job tomorrow as well." I said with a low voice as if I was going to faint soon. He looked at me and I saw him thinking if he should give me the day off or not. Then he started smiling at me, I didn't like one bit of that evil smile he was giving me right now.

"Yes, tesoro. You can take the day off." he said, still smiling, as I was about to speak he then added, "But, you owe me a favor, tesoro." Of course, he was suspecting that I was Scar and I am sure that he gave me two jobs at the same time to prove that I was Scar but I needed that 200K. Plus I never leave a trace after me, so he shouldn't find anything after me. Anyways, what's the worst thing that can happen?

If I was the important person Xaden was looking for, would it really be bad that I was feeling the need to be that person? All my life I have never had someone who was looking for me or cared for me, not the way Alice was taking care of me, but in a different way. Somehow, I wanted to be the person he was looking for. 7 years was a long time to search for someone and never give up, and that meant that if someone had been searching for me all of those 7 years while I was feeling like dying or giving up on life or when I struggled alone, I could cry until morning. 


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