Chapter 2: Crave

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Scarlet's pov 

I woke up around 12 and saw another message from Trigger. What the fuck does Trigger want?

Trigger: Scar, be there at 8 or so god help me. You don't wanna make me get pissed. Won't end up good for you.

Scar: Who the fuck do you think you are threatening an assassin. I can kill you in an instant.

Trigger: I'm the one giving missions to you now I wanna meet you. Crave at 8. You better be there, when you come to Crave tell the outside security you're here to see me.

I didn't even answer him. I went and woke up Alice, I told her everything that happened with Trigger.

"And? We are still going to Crave but not to meet Trigger to enjoy. Trigger doesn't even know who you are." This bitch had the audacity to tell me that while she was half asleep. But she was right. Trigger cannot know that I am there if i don't tell the security that I'm there for Trigger.

Alice went to the shop for a few hours to work, she was supposed to be back soon. I was at home looking through the news. One of the headlines was "A billionaire businessman Logan Smith was shot dead at a hotel. The police are thinking that it was the assassin Scar who has assassinated him. The police are still searching for him but he left no trace of him." They still think it's a man who killed Logan, how funny these stupid people think it's always a man who was an assassin.

Few hours passed where Alice came from work and now we were getting ready to go to Crave. "Babe, I'm getting laid tonight so you better find someone for you also. I won't bring him home, but you can." Alice said while she was doing her makeup in my room, and I was getting ready in my bathroom.

"I'm not risking bringing home someone where they can find something on me. But I will also get laid tonight." I said while also getting dressed. I was wearing a red short dress that showed my cleavage and my ass was looking good in this dress, my tattoos were not showing either. I put on makeup as always to cover up my face scar, I always cover my face scar so people will not even think why a girl like me has a scar on her face. I got a small bag with me, where I stashed, daggers, and a small gun for protection. I always carried daggers with me regardless of where I was going. I looked good, I was definitely getting paid tonight no matter what. I left the bathroom and she whistled. "Damn, you look sexy as fuck. I would've slept with you if I wasn't straight." She said laughing.

"Alice, you look sexier babe." I said. She was also wearing a black red dress unlike me, her tattoos were all visible but damn, she looked sexy. We left our house and drove to Crave with banging music playing in the car. Once we got there the security already knew me since I work here so we got in without waiting in line to get inside. Me and Alice went directly to get drinks. "Hey, Alesandro. Can you please get us four shots for starters?" I said while greeting Alesandro, he works with me so he knows me.

"Of course, Scarlet, coming right up. Hey Alice." He said while being a little flirty with Alice. Alesandro wanted to date Alice for a while but she was never interested in serious relationships so she was not giving him a chance. "Hey Alesandro." She greeted him back.

Few minutes later we started drinking, and while we were drinking Alice started whining that she wanted to dance with me. "Come onnn, dance with me!!" Alice whined. "Okay, let's dance. I promised that we are going to enjoy the night so let's dance." I said while smiling at her.

We started dancing in the middle of the club, I was twerking on Alice and drinking at the same time. Suddenly, I felt someone was watching me from the VIP section. I turned around to find out that a sexy, handsome man was looking at me and smirking while drinking whiskey. He was sitting in the VIP section, his legs spread in front of him, whiskey in one hand and he was also smoking a cigarette or weed.

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