Chapter 21: No talking

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Scarlet's Pov

I had to be clear about everything before we dated, I know I said I will never have the guts to tell him that I was being suspicious that Enzo was my father, but things have changed and I need to tell him, because if he ever hid something like that from me I would be so furious that I would not even want to talk to him.

"Can we get the fuck out of here and go to Scarlet's? I need some alone time with Alice, man." Liam said looked at Xaden and me. Oh god, he did not just say some "alone time" as if we did not understand what he wanted to do with her.

"No, you can get the fuck out, but not to Scarlet's. I need some alone time with Scarlet too." Xaden answered, but when I looked at him I knew that he did not answer him in a friendly way, he was being their Don now. Liam just nodded his head and they all left the club, except for Garick and Alessandro they were probably going to clean up a bit more. I never knew that Alessandro was in Xaden's mafia, when I saw him I got shocked, but I kind of accepted it because he was a bit different I guess from other guys. I knew Xaden was going to fuck me by the way he was looking at me. Like I was the only girl that existed for him, and maybe I wanted to be the only girl existing for him.

Xaden just laced his fingers with mine and he took me out to his car. The whole car ride home was silent, he did not say anything nor did I, but from the way he was holding the steering wheel, I knew he was pissed. Though I don't think he was pissed at me, I think he was pissed at something else. I looked out from the window admiring the night view, I always felt like I belonged in the night, no not night, but in the dark and maybe that's why me and Xaden were able to work things out.

I felt Xaden's hand grab my inner thigh, it was not a hard grab but it was a way of him telling me that he had all the control. I did not mind that at all. He looked at me and I saw his eyes were darkening, as I was going to talk he just shook his head and said "No talking, Scarlet. I want to enjoy my time with you, the only time I want to hear you is when you are moaning my name. Nothing else, amore." Fuck, I was more than okay with that.

I just nodded my head and he moved his hand higher and higher until he reached the top of my leggings. He looked at me, he was asking permission to finger me, so I just nodded my head. Without even hesitating he slipped his fingers on my panties, he made small circles from the top of my panties and then he moved his finger inside. He was now touching my clit and rubbing small circles on it. Fucking hell after a long night, this was feeling better than it should.

As he was touching me, I could not hold in my whimpers anymore. "Don't hold in your moans, tesoro." Xaden said and that's all it took for me to moan louder. When I moaned, Xaden added one finger in my pussy and he started thrusting in and out in small motions. Fucking hell, I needed him to go faster but I also wanted to enjoy this. Just like he felt what I needed, Xaden started thrusting his fingers faster. I pushed my head back on the seat as he was working his way to my orgasm, I have never felt this good, and I knew that I was starting to get addicted to his fingers, his thrustings, to his everything.

I started moaning again, this time much louder, but one finger was not good enough, I was craving more than one. I looked at Xaden and said "Xaden, please, I need more." When I said that he started smirking, like I just demanded something very dangerous. He looked at the road and then me and he added a second finger in me, when he added a second finger I moaned again, this time a bit louder. Xaden started thrusting his fingers much faster and he made circles with his thumb on my clit. Fucking hell, that was good. I felt my walls start clenching around his fingers and he said "Yes, baby. Come for me. Look who's making you come." I looked at him and I moaned, my eyes were rolled back because of all the pleasure that I was feeling. I loved this kind of pleasure that Xaden gave me, I felt like I was in the clouds, my legs were shaking and I came all over his fingers.

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