Chapter 7: What the actual fuck?

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Scarlet's Pov

After my shift I went home, and I went directly to my bedroom. I was tired as hell and I wanted to sleep. I didn't even realize when I slept.


Someone was calling me. I opened my eyes and I checked the caller ID, it was Alice. I answered the phone and she started yelling. What the fuck?

"SCARLET, I WILL KILL YOU." She was yelling. Oh? Since when was she a violent person? As I was about to speak she said again. "Do you know who just called to get an appointment for a tattoo? Oh, wait of course you know, it was you who gave him my shop address." I was still sleepy, it took time for me to register what she was saying. Ohhhh, Now I know what she was talking about.

"Oh? Who? Do I know the person?" I asked, trying not to laugh. What time was it anyways? I checked the time and it was 5pm. Pretty normal for me to wake up at this hour since I finished at 4am yesterday. "You know exactly who, you fucker. Liam told me you gave him my address." she said, getting pissed. This was too funny for me.

"Well, if you think logically, if he wanted to, he could've gotten your address from Declan too right?" I said trying to sound logical. "Who the fuck is Declan?" she said, sounding confused. "Whatever, I don't care, he will be here at 6, I will kick him out at 7. The shop is yours after. Love you, see you, be careful and take care." she listed all of that shit in one breath and hung up the call. Okay cool.

I started gathering my things, I got the violin case and my gloves. I was wearing black pants, black long sleeve top and a black jacket with a hood at the back. I checked the message from Trigger or should I say Xaden? Anyways I checked the message for the address of the hotel and it was an hour away from here. What the actual fuck? I checked the location again and it was really an hour away. Fucking hell, I've been on missions that was far, but not an hour away. I got to my car and started driving.

I actually did not cry last night because of that thought, but something was waking up in my heart, something was changing, I was getting softer towards Xaden and the scary thing is that I don't even know him and I'' feeling like this, but again why is he searching for me? Anyways, I guess that's a question for later if he ever figures out that I'm Scar. In the orphanage, I was not alone, I had two more guy friends, other than Alice, which anyways Alice came later than us. She escaped from her father when she witnessed her father killing her mother.

She never told me how she managed to escape, but when she came to the orphanage she was a mess, she was covered in blood but it was not hers, it was her mothers blood. When she came it was me who saw her and I helped her to shower. I washed away the blood while she was just sitting in the bathtub, not even crying. She was just sitting, like that day a piece of her died. I took her to bed and I told the supervisors that we had a new girl with us. I lied to them saying that she was lost and I found her and brought her here. No one actually knew why she was there or how she came, not even the guys, only me and Alice, that was our secret until now.

Whatever, I got to the place that I was supposed to come, and saw there were only a few more buildings in this place, which means I could break easily into a building and get to the rooftop. Few minutes later, I broke into one of the buildings and prepared my sniper to kill Jack. I prepared everything and now I was waiting for Jack to come to his room. Few minutes later, Jack was in his room and he started to get changed, too bad he will not get the chance to change. I aimed for his head. I checked the time on my phone and it was 8:02, Trigger said between 8-9 so I should kill him now. And then, I don't know how but he saw me! Like he was waiting for me to be there. Fucking hell, I gathered my stuff in a few seconds and ran down to go to his building, I guess I have to kill him with my own fucking hands. Once I got to the building I sneaked inside and went to his room. The room was fucking quiet, which means he was hiding, shit! I opened the door and removed my gloves, I cannot kill with my gloves. I saw him taking out his knife, and in that second I took out my own dagger from my boots and went for his throat.

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