Chapter 15: Date

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This chapter contains sm*t, as I have mentioned before Its my first time writing sm*t so be patient.

Anyways, Enjoy the chapter guys!😉


Xaden's Pov

I cannot believe her, she really left without saying shit to me when she pulled a tantrum on me and when she was the one going on a fucking date with Nico. Nico for fucks sake. I know what she was trying to do, she was trying to piss me off or make me jealous. I did deserve that because of how I was acting towards her, but come one for fucks sake, she was not my priority. Right? Right, whatever I needed to deal with Nico shipment, but I already told Declan to get it done with Liam, but Liam ditched Declan because he wanted to go see Alice. They all ended up going to the new warehouse and preparing the gun shipment, and they dragged me with them. They were all getting along so well, I was actually happy that they had a new circle and they were talking about things that were outside of work.

My mind was wandering again to Scarlet, she never came to the warehouse and Alice said she should be home getting ready for the date. But I had different plans for Nico, he was not going to be able to go on that fucking date and I was going to show Scralet who the fuck she belonged to. We were not together yes, but that does not mean she was able to fuck around with people when I tell her not to. Plus I needed to find out about her past, I had zero information on her which was normal because she was an assassin. I had plans with Nico and I had plans with Scarlet. I already told Liam that he was going to get the shipment to Nico, if he wished he could take Alice with him but I kept the choice to them. And on the other hand Declan has enabled messages or calls from Nico on Scalet's phone, so she was not going to know that Nico was ditching her but she was going to be busy to realize anyways.

I checked on them and when everything was going fine, I started driving to Scarlet's house. She was going to be alone and I told Liam to bring Alice to our mansion because I was going to be with Scarlet the whole night. Once everything was good and everyone knew what they were going to do, I left the warehouse and went straight to Scarlet's house - or should I say mansion? Holy hell, she had a big fucking mansion as big as mine, the outside had a big fucking gate that would fit 20 cars, and she had 6 indoor garages. Fucking hell, she had a good taste, I did not waste any more time and knocked on the door. Few minutes later I heard a clicking of a heel and I instantly knew that she was coming to open the door.

Once she opened the door, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. She was wearing a long red dress with a deep slit on her right side, and the V line of her neck was cut deeper also which her breasts were showing. She made her hair as a slick ponytail and she had a pretty makeup whatever girls call it these days, but fucking hell, she was looking sexy. By the sight of her my dick twitched in my pants, ain't no fucking way she was going to meet Nico looking like that, she only had the right to look like that when I was with her. I couldn't hold myself any longer, I grabbed her throat and kissed her passionately, smearing her lipstick, while closing the door with my foot.

Holy hell, she was the sweetest girl that I have ever encountered, I was starting to like our lime together, I was getting addicted to kissing her, being inside of her, eating her. I was so horney at this moment that I started to zip down her dress when she stopped me. "What do you think you are doing? I have a fucking date with your partner." She spit the words to me. Really? This is her fucking concern?

"You really thought I was going to let you go with that scumbag? And especially when you're looking like that?" I said, I know I didn't answer her question but thats the whole fucking point, I don't want to answer.

"What the fuck does that even mean? How many times do I have to tell you I don't owe you shit?" she was so pissed that I could see it in her eyes. Oh how much I would love to fuck her when she was mad at me. I started walking closer to her, but she was stepping back.

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