Chapter 12: What does that even mean?

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Enjoy the chapter loves!

Xaden's Pov

I have never experienced something like this in my whole fucking life, I have slept with a lot of girls that I have lost count, but Scarlet, oh god she was going to be the death of me. The way she sucked my dick and the way she was whimpering when I was fucking her, was something that was out of this world. This was very dangerous for me, I never slept with the same girl twice so no one can get the wrong idea of sleeping with me would mean more eventually. But Scarlet was making me want to sleep with her all the fucking time and only her. I was hoping that after fucking her and getting a taste of her I would be over her, but that was not the case, so I did the only thing that I knew how to do best, and left with a note. I usually don't even leave a note for the others but I felt guilty so I wrote her a note. The note was true, my life was fucked up right now, I was having problems with my Mafia, I was looking for the girls, I was having a shipment problem with Nico. Everything was going wrong in my life, the only right thing was her, and I couldn't let her be right in so many wrongs. That's why I left, because even after sex when we were just laying in the bed I wanted to protect her from everything, even if that meant that I had to protect her from myself too. Which again, it was very dangerous.

I slept with her for a few hours and then I left the shop, it's almost 7 in the morning and I was driving back to my mansion. I went inside and I saw Liam and Declan sitting on the couch with whiskey in their hands and by their faces it looked like they hadn't slept.

"Morning. What are you guys doing here at this hour?" I asked, I know it was their house also but they were never awake by this hour.

"Alice called Liam yesterday around 3am, and said Scarlet never came home and she was worried that something happened. I tracked down her phone and I saw she was at the shop with you. Alice was afraid to stay alone after all the threats, so Liam and I went to stay with her for a while. We just came back." Declan explained. Great! Alice was aware that I fucked her best friend, not only Alice but everyone was aware. I needed a drink too, so I took a seat opposite Declan and Liam. Declan poured me a cup of whiskey and gave it to me. I guess we all had a problem to deal with and no one wanted to sleep.

"How was it?" Declan asked, smirking. It was obvious what he was asking, which they never asked before how was the sex, if they were asking it, it means my emotions were written on my fucking face.

"None of your fucking business asshole." I answered, because it wasn't. I was drinking and smoking a cigarette when my phone buzzed. I looked at the caller ID and it said Scarlet. The guys were silent when I said "Fucking hell, she's calling me. She will chop off my dick because of how I left."

"Why? How did you leave?" Liam asked, but I didn't want to answer so I just picked up the phone call.

I answered the phone with "Hello, amore."

"Don, someone is here looking for you. He's getting his tattoo done by Alice, but he has a gun and he wants to see you now." she said, her voice low, it means she was hiding to not make it obvious.

"Declan, open the shop cameras. Someone is there waiting for me, Alice and Scarlet are alone." As I said that to Declan, he opened the TV and opened the footage, while Liam got up from his seat and started pacing around the room. Once Declan opened up the camera the person who Alice was tattooing was Nico. fucking hell, he was there because we didn't send him the shipment that we were supposed to send yesterday night. I was so busy getting laid that I forgot to tell Liam to send the shipment.

"Scarlet, that's Nico. Please tell me you have weapons around the shop to protect yourself and Alice until we get there." I said, I was worried that something would happen to her because of me. Liam was looking nervous, he was scared for Alice as well, but Alice looked cool, she was doing the tattoo without her hands shaking from fear. Alice was much more fragile than Scarlet, but she was holding good.

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