Chapter 14: Jealous

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I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! 

So many things are its way!!


Scarlet's Pov

I didn't tell the guys what I was thinking, because I might be onto something, or I was hoping to find my parents. That's why I was being delusional. But again, there was nothing on my parents, which I have never thought it was weird, but now that we are in this shit I am starting to think that finding nothing on my parents is fucking suspicious. But if Enzo found me, and I am his daughter why the fuck is he not contacting me? I was all over the place, I didn't know what to think, I just knew one thing and that was I could not tell them until I was sure that Enzo was looking for me.

Declan, Liam and Alice were still in the shop, Xaden was in the back room god knows what he was doing. Alice's shop became our second home, no one going home, we were all staying here. No one has slept since yesterday, but none of us wanted to go home either. I needed to talk with Nico to come to an agreement.

"Declan, can you please get me Nico's number? I need to make sure we are on the same terms." I said, he just nodded his head and sent me Nico's number. Declan is the best! He changed his name in my fucking phone. I looked up at him and he was smirking, asshole. I dialed Nico's number, a few rings later he answered with "Hello, Nico speaking. Who the fuck are you?"

"Hello, Nico. It's Scarlet." I answered back, I didn't like him, but he didn't do anything wrong either, it was chill I guess.

"Oh, I am sorry, Love. What can I do for ya?" he said, so I told him that I needed to talk with him about the terms that we needed to come. Few minutes later, he said "I am okay with whatever you want, love. Just say it and consider it done."

"Once we get rid of Enzo's problem, I am out of your way. I will not be your assassin." I said then I saw Xaden coming into view. He was listening closely to what we were talking. He told me with his finger to put the call on speaker but of course I didn't. He looked at Declan and a few minutes later my phone got disconnected and now it was on speaker. Fucking great!

"Yes, love. Once you get what you want with Enzo you can have your way out. But I want one last thing from you." he said, and I swear it was so obvious that he was smirking. Oh no, that can't be good. "What do you want, Nico?" I answered.

"Tomorrow, you and I are going on a date. I can pick you up." I was shook, I wasn't expecting that. Xaden just looked at me and he was shaking his head, ah too bad for him, I was going to agree, but Alice shook her head also. Fine I guess, but I really wanted to piss off Xaden. As I was about to answer he came close to me and whispered "Don't even think about it, amore." Ohh, he was getting jealous, for what though? But I really didn't want to argue with him because I would end up fucking him again, and then getting pissed at him because he left me. But I also wanted to make him jealous.

"Pick me up at 7 tomorrow. The first and the last date." I answered. By the looks of it, Xaden was not really happy with what I did, but oh too bad for him. Xaden's eyes were burning, but they were burning because he was jealous or because he was angry that I didn't listen to him again? At this point I knew that I was playing with fire, as much as Xaden was not my Don, I still did not have the right to disrespect him, but also this was my personal life, I could do anything I wanted.

"Sure, love. See you tomorrow." and he hung up the call. I looked around for my cigarette pack, Declan just extended his pack, while I was taking a cigarette he whispered "Xaden wants to kill you. You should've said no to Nico. Take advice from someone who sees you as my sister, please don't piss off Xaden." Yea, I knew that, I've been hearing it for forever, but Xaden really didn't have anything to be pissed at.

"Why did you fucking agree, Scarlet? When I specifically told you not to?" Xaden was asking with a low voice. Really he wants to act like some fucking jealous boyfriend, when he made it crystal clear that he didn't want anything to do with me? Fuck him. I don't know if I wanted to admit why this situation was bothering me more than it should, I am trying to tell myself that he's just getting on my nerves but that was not true, I was feeling things that I should not feel because I cannot fall for him when there is a slight chance that it's my father causing him all of the trouble. If that is the case then it means they are enemies, and if they are enemies, there is only one way to fix that, and I don't know if I am ready for that. I needed to work on that too, to figure out if Enzo was my fucking father.

"As I said once before and I will say it again, I don't owe you shit." I said looking at Xaden, then I looked at Alice and told her that I will go home to sleep, she just nodded her head and said be safe.

I left Alice's shop, but I did not go home, instead I called Dante. Dante was one of the orphan kids who were staying with us, I was not really close with him but after the fire that happened in the orphanage he survived and lived with us for 6 years. We grew close with each other, but we were not talking everyday because he was working and I was busy too. Dante left to go to academy to become a police officer, but he also knew what I was involved in, so there was no surprise that I would ask for his help. He was the person who was helping me find my parents, which he never had any information about. The only difference now is, I have a lead, I have a name that might get us something.

"Hello, Scarlet. How are you? I missed you." he said without waiting for me to talk first.

"Hey, Dante. I'm good you? I've missed you too. Are you available now? I need to talk to you in person." I could not tell him that I was looking for Enzo on a phone call, that would be very stupid of me, which brings me to the choice of seeing him. Dante was built with muscles, obviously he was a police officer, he had curly hair and a strong jawline, which girls were always running after him, I wouldn't be surprised if he was not available.

"Yes, you can come, I am going home, I will be there in 5 minutes." he answered, great this was so good. After Dante left us and went to academy, he was living with his friends, which later on he also bought a house for himself. I told him I will be there in 10 minutes and we hung up the call. After some time of driving I got to his place. Dante opened the door and he let me in, after we hugged we went to sit in his living room and he made me whiskey on the rocks and sat beside me.

"Tell me, what can I do for you?" he said, I was not going to lie, I was very nervous to tell him that Enzo might be my dad and how I was feeling about that, but I also knew that I cannot give out Xaden's mafia secrets so I couldn't tell him everything which i'm sure he would understand. It really doesn't matter if I trusted him with my secrets, but Xaden's secrets were not mine to tell and I would never betray Xaden even though he was pissing me off often. So I told him everything and gave Enzo's name and last name. I didn't tell him that I was involved with Xaden or about his mafia, I just told him that I was suspecting that Enzo could be my father. He did ask how I found out or suspected I just told him that sometimes being an assassin has its own aspects.

"I don't want to waste your time, Scarlet, because if he is a mafia leader as you said, there will be nothing that I can find about him. But give me your blood or hair and if you can get me his DNA too by chance that would give us the upper hand and you would have proof. Even if I find something on him it would not be as concrete as a DNA test." Dante said, which what he was right DNA would be more concrete, but again how the fuck was I supposed to get a DNA from a mafia leader?

"Do you know that it's not that easy to get DNA from a mafia leader right?" Even though it was true what he said, it was also going to get me in trouble, because I was going to get a DNA test from Enzo, even if that meant that I had to do it by myself.


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