Chapter 11: Brava ragazza

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Hellooo again guys, I want to warn everyone that this chapter contains sm*t. 

It is my first time ever writing sm*t so please bear with me and let me know in the comments what you guys think!

Enjoy the chapter :) 

Oh and one more thing, please don't hate me at the end of the chapter🥲

I was supposed to update every Tuesday, but I was feeling generous so I am updating today. I will also update on Tuesday as well. 

Scarlet's Pov

Xaden was kissing me passionately like he has never tasted something this sweet. Fuck I didn't think he noticed how I was looking at him but hell he did, and now he was going to fuck me just like how I imagined he would. In a swift moment, Xaden took off my top without breaking our kiss and started to unbutton my pants and slide them down my legs, my hands were all over him while he was undressing me. I reached for his belt and unbuttoned his pants as well and slid them down his legs also and I took off his shirt as well. He had a lot of tattoos, written tattoos, arts, demons, there were a lot of tattoos that did not even make any sense, but it suited him. He looked more sexy, and I mean mouthwatering sexy.

I was already panting, when he carried me bridal style and placed me on the bed. Thank god I was wearing matching lingerie today. I was wearing a red lace bra and matching panties where my pussy was already exposed to him. Xaden started touching my neck with his fingers, then his fingers started to travel down to my breasts and then to my belly and lower until he reached my panties and stopped.

"Xaden, please don't stop." I was panting now and begging for him to not fucking stop. I was sure as hell that I was wet, soaking even, but he didn't listen to me instead he started to look around. He found what he was looking for, then I noticed that he was looking for his belt. He took his belt and came closer to me, moved me up until my head was touching the headboard. "I will tie your hands with my belt, amore. You do not move or talk until I tell you to. Am I clear?" he asked, lust was filled in his eyes and he was clear alright. I nodded my head, when he suddenly hit my pussy hard with his hand and said "Words, amore."

"Yes, Xaden." I answered with a moan that escaped from my mouth. He didn't even start touching me and I was moaning, god knows what will I be when he actually starts to fuck me? God fucking help me tonight. He was waiting for my response because then he started to move. Xaden tied both of my hands on the headboard of the bed and started licking my neck until he reached to my breasts. He unclipped my bra without even looking, like he has done this before a thousand times. Xaden then started licking and sucking my hard nipple, swirling his tongue and giving hard squeezes to my other nipple with his free hand. I was moaning loudly, because oh my God, I was ready to see the stars, I wanted to tell him how I was feeling but I didn't want to be a brat just yet. I was feeling so good, he was making me feel so good, that I didn't even realize he moved to my other nipple, giving the same attention to my other nipple.

Xaden started to lick my belly and went down until he reached for my panties, he tried to remove my panties and said "Lift up, amore." I did as I was told and lifted up my ass and he was able to remove my panties. "Brava ragazza." he said, holly fucking hell, him speaking Italian was making me more horney. Once he removed my panties he started to play with my clit with his finger slowly, then he moved his finger to my entrance and said "I want to fucking taste your sweet little cunt, amore." and he just gave one lick to my entrance and he was playing with my clit with his finger. Torture, this was pure torture.

"Oh my God, Xaden, please eat me already." I was moaning like fucking crazy, and this is the second time that I was begging for him. I have never felt something like this all of the time when I was getting laid, he was making me see stars and I was at the verge of praying to whatever god there was out there, to end this torture.

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