Chapter 17: Feelings

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Hello guys, I will be on vacation Thursday, and I cannot wait for it. I just wanted to let you guys know since I am happy about my vacation, I will publish one more chapter this week. 

Which means 3 chapters will be published!!☺️😊

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the chapters.


Scarlet's pov

When I went to my room and started getting changed, I was really mad at Xaden because I didn't want to fight with him all the fucking time. I was actually starting to like him, so I really hated fighting with him. I know I had thick skin, but sometimes I just felt exhausted, I didn't want to be strong, I didn't want to be tough, but life has not been easy for me before and it will not be easy for now on either. I needed to call Nico to tell him that even if he couldn't show up to the date our deal of him helping us with Enzo was not over yet. Though I don't know why he should help, it was my end of the deal that was broken. Fucking hell, I needed to text him at least.

Scarlet: Hey, I know we were supposed to go on a date, but things happened and I need to know if you are keeping your end of deal.

I sent the text and a few minutes later I got a text.

Nico: You know how things work in our world. There is no deal, Scarlet. But we are not enemies either.

Yea, I knew that was coming, which I am not blaming Nico about it but actually I am blaming Xaden. Now because Xaden fucked up everything, I needed to get Enzo's DNA more than anything. If Xaden did not fuck up things with Nico, he was going to help us, now I was all alone again with this shit. But the good thing was at least we were not enemies. Fucking hell, I was all alone with finding my parents. I could not tell Xaden about it, I don't even know how he would react, maybe one day I will have the guts to tell him and ask him for help. I needed to talk with Dante.

I got in bed and I was going to sleep when suddenly the door opened. I looked at the door and Xaden just came inside, I really didn't want to talk to him so I just turned around and tried to sleep. I heard some movements and then he came under the covers beside me and turned me to face him. If I was not mad at him this situation would have given me comfort and I might have confessed my feelings to him. "Xaden, I'm tired I will sleep." I told him, I closed my eyes trying to fucking sleep. This was frustrating, I really wanted to work things out with Xaden, because I was starting to like him, but he was looking for that girl and I might be Enzo's fucking daughter. We didn't have that luxury to be together, and we both were aware of that.

"Scarlet, I wanted to sleep next to you today before all of this drama happened. And I want to talk to you calmly about some things." He said looking directly in my eyes, his eyes were soft, he really wanted to talk calmly about whatever he wanted to talk about.

"I want to sleep, Xaden. Not now, I don't want to talk." I told him again. But Xaden, being Xaden and his stubborn ass, didn't think so. He started tugging my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. Holy hell, there are butterflies in my stomach, I have never felt something like this before Xaden. And that shit is scaring me so much. I don't even know what he was feeling because we never got the chance to talk about it, actually never felt the need to talk, I was always the first one to escape when one night stand guys wanted to talk about feelings, but now look at me I am the one who's seeking to talk about feelings with Xaden.

"I want to talk about whatever there is between us, Scarlet." Xaden whispered, and I swear I heard his voice get hitched. Was he nervous? Fucking hell, if he was nervous I don't know what I would be like right now. I just nodded my head and he looked at me before saying "I know, there are a lot of things that we don't know about each other, but I want to know more about you. I don't want anyone touching you how I'm touching you. Even thinking about it makes my skin crawl and I already want to put a bullet in his head. I know you are a closed book, and you never talk about how you feel, but I want you to tell me things that no one knows about. I want you to trust me. I want to be with you, Scarlet. That is with the assassin, the real you, and the person that you show everyone. I want it all, Scarlet. Give us a chance, I am not saying we go boyfriend and girlfriend, hell I don't even know how that works but what I'm saying is let's just be with each other and we can figure out the rest together." Holy hell, that was a lot of information in one breath. But I heard him, I just was afraid about who I was and about the girl he was searching for. What happens if she comes back? Will he still say all of the things that he said now again, or will he leave me for her? I don't want to be a pawn in someone's game.

"Xaden, I hear what you are saying. And I would love for us to be together, but it's too early, you don't even know my story, I don't know your story. What if you find the girl you are searching for? You will leave me just so you can be with her? I know how much she means to you, it's obvious." When I told him that, he closed his eyes, as if he just realized why I rejected him. If he wanted me to trust him, he needed to know what I was thinking and feeling. "I want to wait until we find the girl, after that if you still have feelings towards me, we can try to work things out." I told him again, now he opened his eyes and looked at, really looked at me as if he was seeing right through me.

"Scarlet, I don't even know if the woman that I'm searching for has a boyfriend, she turned out to be lesbian or she's even alive. I don't even remember her name. What if we never find her? You will never try to work things out with me?" Xaden said he was trying to sound reasonable, which if you look at it that way, he was right. But again I have never trusted someone with my heart before and if he was going to wait and see if he wanted the girl or me, I didn't wanna be someone's second choice.

"I understand, let's give it a few more months and see if we can get any information about her, if not we can try to work things out with us. But I want you to promise me from now on, if you find the girl and you want to be with her, tell me before you cheat on me." At this point I was not looking at him, fucking embarrassing to admit something like that for an assassin. But just because I was an assassin doesn't mean I wouldn't get cheated on.

He lifted up my chin with two of his fingers and said "I never got into a relationship because I didn't want to be a cheater. A mafia leader and a cheater? Fucking embarrassing for my own name, instead of people fearing me they would call me a cheater. I don't think I will like that. That will not happen, Scarlet. I understand why you rejected me, we don't have to be together but I will always come to you, to find comfort, to be with you and to fuck you." While he said that his eyes started to darken, fucking hell, he really wanted me. "I don't want anyone else to touch you, I come to you, you come to me, we will not find comfort within other people. Deal?" Xaden was looking at me with a bit softer eyes, I know he meant every word that he said, I can deal with that, that didn't sound too bad.

"Okay, deal. If I ever find out that you are with a different girl, I would chop off your dick and get her head as a trophy." I was smiling while telling him that, I knew he was not going to do any of that.

He started laughing and said "I know you would. Plus, it's only you that I'm getting turned on lately." Now I was laughing, this man was going to be the death of me, and I was ready to die in his hands. "Do you mind if Liam and Alice get together?" He asked suddenly. It was obvious that they liked each other, so I didn't have a problem if Alice was okay with that.

"No, I don't mind, and I already told Alice that. Its her life, I want her to be happy too." I told him, and he just nodded his head. What he told me afterwards shocked me.

"Since we are going through this road together, I want to tell you what me and Liam are getting suspicious about." Then he looked at me and he was just trying to say the right thing? Why was he having difficulty? Did he figure out that I might be Enzo's daughter? Oh no.

"We are suspicious of Declan. He might be the rat that we are looking for, Scarlet. We don't have enough proof, that's why I never confronted him yet, but we are being careful, I want you to be careful. And don't worry about Alice, because as we are speaking Liam is also telling Alice. Well, they are either fucking or he's telling her but both ways Alice will be aware of it too." Oh no, shit it can't be Declan right? There is no way he would rat Xaden. But if that's true then I'm not Enzo's daughter. Fucking hell now everything got mixed up.

"How do you know that he is the rat?" I asked him, I needed to be sure that there was a chance of Declan being the rat. So then Xaden told me that it's always Declan making the shipment dates and contacting the clients, and it was always him that was in contact with Nico. So there was a big possibility that he might be the rat. Shit, that cannot be the case right? If it was Declan we needed to be very careful but whatever Xaden told me was not enough evidence and that's why he didn't confront Declan yet. Now, I was thinking something else, if Declan was innocent and I was the one who Enzo was after, then that means Declan was going to get accused of the wrong thing and that would ruin everything between their small circle. I was not intending to let that happen, so I had to act fast.

I needed to talk with Dante as soon as possible. I needed to figure out why he came first today and how we needed to find out if Enzo was my fucking father. I was tired as hell, so I told Xaden that I wanted to sleep and he just nodded his head and once I turned around he hugged me from behind and we drifted off to sleep.


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